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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Headless Robespierre's Cautionary Tale For The 'Alt Left' Unleashed On America

America is on the cusp of something it has never truly experienced: mob rule.

To “feed” a mob, witch-hunts are essential. New enemies must be in constant supply to keep the mob moving. Problematically, witch-hunts never end well for the witch-hunters.

Just ask Maximilien Robespierre, one of the chief architects of the French Revolution and the infamous “Reign of Terror.”

It was 1794. Heads were rolling, literally, and “Madame la Guillotine” was more popular than ever. At first, the mob was content with the heads of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. The king bankrupted France by helping America win its independence with mountains of debt, all while a horrible famine ravaged the nation simultaneously. Many died of starvation. It was during the famine that the queen told her subjects, “Let them eat cake.”

With the king and queen gone, the mob's appetite grew. They now required the heads of the aristocracy.

After the aristocracy was gone, Robespierre’s Committee on Public Safety (a massive misnomer) began sending anyone and everyone to the Guillotine -- even other members of the committee itself -- in order to satisfy the appetite of the mob. Georges Danton, the other influential thinker behind the French revolution, was executed by the committee.

Royals lurked under every rock and behind every tree, and unsupported suspicion was the only thing needed to deprive a person of their head.

In the ultimate twist of irony, the mob eventually required Robespierre’s head.


1 comment:

  1. If it comes to that ..This time we get it right and start at the top..UN, central bankers, illuminati, masons and lawyers. The politicians will then be clueless lost and powerless. Then maybe we spare them if they start doing there jobs or they get the blade


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