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Sunday, July 01, 2018

The Owner Is Meryl Streep's Cousin, No Wonder!!!


  1. If Conservatives make a big deal about it, Liberals will just eat us alive. It's fine that they want to refuse service. They have that right and we have the right to boycott them.

  2. Truly unbelievable!

  3. Yes I read they were cousins. Some of the most hateful people are Democrats and most all of them are very intolerant. Evil Bastards!

  4. I went to The Red Hen's Facebook page and I saw many local names I was proud of who posted a Review not in their favor.

    Then I saw a name I recognized who was making snide and negative remarks about our President's Press Secretary.

    After investigating who he was I found out that he was our own Maryland Comptroller Peter Fanchot's Chief of Staff.

    That's right a person in a high profile, highly paid position representing the Comptroller's Office in Maryland was making negative and partisan remarks about this nations Press Secretary.

    That person's name is Rex Foxwell and I'm sure some of you might recognize him. Very inappropriate of a person in his position to make a comment defending the owners hateful vitriol. I've got it screen captured just in case.

  5. Clean those Nasty A$$ canopies!

  6. But they will gladly server Harvey Weinstein and Bubba Clinton any day of the week....

  7. That place really should be forced to bake her a cake, you know, just so the left can be consistent in their outrage.

  8. Snowflakes. Knew you would cry about it when it happened to a conservative

    1. You're the definition of a fascist, but you're too stupid to know it. So funny!

    2. Not same issue. The cake issue was about gays. Red hen kicked Sarah out because she worked for a republican President. Now do you get it!

    3. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 25, 2018 at 9:21 PM

      Hey dummie, did it ever happen to Josh Earnest, Obama's spokesperson? No. Because if it did, we would have MSM propaganda screaming Racism 24/7 on TV and all those morons like you would be "protesting" in the streets. Just keep cheering, Sheeple.

  9. Well, well well....Imagine that...

  10. Imagine if bodyguards had been in the mix,and imagine if news crews had been called to the scene immediately after the incident in question.Imagine Fox News on the scene questioning management and staff.Imagine a continuation of the incident into a Fox News broadcast.Imagine how management and staff would have conducted themselves.Imagine Levine grilling each and every staff person.

  11. Oh, how the tables have turned.

    Refuse service to gays, totally all right. But this! THIS is an outrage!

    Hypocrisy at it's worst.

    A little consistency would be nice folks. Either businesses can refuse service, or they can't. You don't get it both ways just cause this one tastes bad to you.

  12. @8:41

    Business do have the right to refuse service, unless they are violating civil rights to do so.

    So violating gays civil rights IS an issue, but refusing to serve someone because they work for Trump is not.

    1. Conservatives are masters of the double standard

  13. Aw snowflakes it will be okay


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