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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Rep. Barbara Lee accuses Trump administration of 'criminalizing' illegal immigrants

Rep. Barbara Lee, California Democrat, accused the Trump administration Sunday of “criminalizing” illegal immigrants.

Ms. Lee, who joined a congressional delegation that visited intake and detention facilities Saturday near the border in Texas, described the conditions as “tragic.”

“I mean, these people are being criminalized,” said Ms. Lee on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

David Urban, a former senior advisor the 2016 Trump campaign, countered that the adults have been jailed because they violated U.S. law.

“To address the point that the congresswoman raises: They’re in jail because they’re criminals,” said Mr. Urban. “They broke the law by crossing the border illegally.”

He added, “That’s why they’re in jail. You come to a facility, you come to one of the ports of entry, you apply for asylum, you do things right, okay, you’re not going to break the law. You cross the border illegally, you’re going to be in jail.”



  1. Typical democrats doublespeak...THEY ARE CRIMINALS BREAKING THE LAW

  2. When government employees lie, twist, distort and use propaganda on citizens...they should be recalled and prosecuted.

  3. is it any more clear that all these people want to do is use this as a re-election battering ram. they just have no desire to solve the problem

  4. The administration isn’t criminalizing illegal aliens- let’s face it, they are already criminals. The administration is criminalizing a race of people. That is reprehensible.

  5. "The administration is criminalizing a race of people. That is reprehensible."

    That's total BS.

  6. Imagine that, you break the law by entering the country illegally and you are treated as a criminal? Somehow this makes sense!

  7. An illegal act means you broke the law. Law breakers go to jail. Why is that so difficult to understand? Liberal / Democrats / Anarchist policies have failed in schools. This shows their stupidity in comprehending the English language. Proof that English should be the National language.

  8. Democrat pandering to her dumbed down voters. Democrats aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack and all are void of any morals so this kind of thing works for them.

  9. Hey Babs, how about YOU try to enter another country illegally and see exactly what takes place.

  10. what a laughable comment this is. YES; ILLEGAL Immigrants are criminals dumdum...

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 25, 2018 at 3:07 PM

    It is perfectly clear now Democ-rats are reprsenting the illegals over American citizens. Barbara Lee was elected to represent citizens of California, so what does she doing bashing Trump administration for enforcing the laws her party established by Democ-rat Bill Clinton and enforced by another Democ-rat Barack Obama. Reality check for old crooked lady Barbara Lee & her fellow Democ-rat Party "leaders" - You Party Made That Law, not Trump!
    Folks, remember this and DO NOT VOTE FOR THESE SLIMEY HYPOCRITES who call themselves DEMOC-RATS. And for you Sheeple out there, don't get brainwashed and sell your vote to them for a happy meal!

  12. Rep. Barbara Lee accuses Trump administration of 'criminalizing' illegal immigrants

    Um.. What part of illegal alien doesn't this moron understand?

  13. It is a waste of air to try to reason with her. She is a total idiot who cant' compose a complete sentence.

  14. Can these morons even hear themselves talk?

  15. If Lee doesn't like the laws that were put in place years ago, why has she not moved to change them. If Lee doesn't have respect for the law and promotes not enforcing it and breaking it, that's another matter, one that should threaten her incumbency.

  16. So where was she when Obama was doing the same thing?


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