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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Pelosi Is Pushing 80, But Older Democrats Refuse To Clear The Way For Younger Members

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is nearly 80 years old, but the next generation of progressives serving in the most powerful governing body in the world could be as young as 28, showing a significant age gap between contenders for the midterm elections.

Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna of California has been a vocal advocate for a generational change in leadership within the party, favoring youthful candidates with progressive platforms over incumbent career politicians.

This is especially relevant after the recent win of 28-year-old congressional hopeful Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York’s Democratic primary.

Khanna, 41, told The Hill that Democrats have to find a way to include “talented, young progressives like House candidates Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib in Michigan, and Brent Welder in Kansas.”



  1. You could have fooled me. She doesn't look a day over a MEAN, OLD, CRANKY 90.
    ... a prehistoric DemRCrap

  2. Pelosi wants to die in office and have a grand State funeral at taxpayer expense.

  3. Ocasio-Cortez is not a Progressive. She is a Socialist. Huge difference. Even the Democrats are hesitant to call her a Socialist.

    Look at Venezuela and see how socialism has worked out for it. And, Venezuela is one of the top oil producers in the world and its citizens can't even buy basics like toilet paper or clean water.

  4. I would have guessed this thing was older. Guess it helped that she was a lube girl. All lubed up in her younger days around the block area of Baltimore.

  5. so what`s the problem, i`m sure most 80 year olds are of sober minds free of dementia, and in touch with main stream america, well actually i`m sure all 80 year olds are none of those things,which is why i ignore everything they say and do.


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