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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Google's ‘Dirty Secret’

Google said a year ago it would stop its computers from scanning the inboxes of Gmail users for information to personalize advertisements, saying it wanted users to “remain confident that Google will keep privacy and security paramount.”

But the internet giant continues to let hundreds of outside software developers scan the inboxes of millions of Gmail users who signed up for email-based services offering shopping price comparisons, automated travel-itinerary planners or other tools. Google does little to police those developers, who train their computers—and, in some cases, employees—to read their users’ emails, a Wall Street Journal examination has found.



  1. blatant invasion of privacy and the Government allows this violation of our Constitution Bill of Rights. Tell me this is not Socialism / Nazism / Communistic rule. Thank You Democrats. This was Obama was going to with his loosening of the web.

  2. Your grocery store and pharmacy has been profiling you for years with their discount cards. The cable company does it as well as your cell phone provider and credit card. When you agree to partake your no longer a private entity your a statistic. There nothing personal or private about it. You want privacy turn off the cable and cell phone and internet and pay cash and write letters.
    It part of life now like it or not. It's even how elections are run.


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