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Sunday, July 08, 2018

Ocean City Maryland, A Family Friendly Resort Town


  1. Just look at the picture, is this a surprise. Concealed carry would break this mess up!

    1. She works at Salisbury food lion.

  2. These are Jake day voters from dabury.....

    Why didn't ocpd have a cop on certain buses UNANNOUNCED To stop this behavior shame on ocpd.

  3. These Ghetto Thugs have ruined Ocean City and the rest of America. Keep kissing their a$$es because of White Guilt.

    Keep putting them in commercials trying and wrongly make them look like they are honest, hard-working family people because of White Guilt.

    Keep teaching that Slavery bullsh*t in schools and the media because of White Guilt!

    This is the result of what you are doing to our Nation. Stop it, Damn it!!!

    1. Their day is coming.

    2. Thank Soros this is exactly what he wants.

  4. Does the Ocean City PD have this picture?

  5. Trump wants Law and Order and meets with resistance. Vote for qualified republicans and against rino's and democrats.

  6. Joe
    Where is the New county sheriff ?

  7. 1:19 PM - they do now.

    1. And will do nothing and we all know why.

  8. Oh stop, they coudda been Meehans children :)

  9. The whiners like this better than they like the cruiser's. This is what they get so let them pay the high taxes for trash. OC " The Family Resort" has and will not get any money from me. Hello Carolines been there several years and enjoy it a lot better.

  10. Safe bet that nothing will happen to them. The police have their priorities: no smoking on the boardwalk, and don't offend any minorities.

  11. They have an excuse for their actions. They are several hundred thousand years behind regarding the evolution timeline.

  12. 1:17. Ocean City has always been full of violent drunks. The firefighters used to raise hell back in the day when they showed up. OC is worse now than ever but you are an idiot for thinking it's race. Its what OC has to offer that attracts trashy people, of all colors.

  13. It's all because of your white privilege and racist micro-aggression.

    1. Tell it to the black Panthers and BLM you racist.

  14. NEVER EVER AFTER DARK would I step foot in that town. So very sad that it was once a good old home town with cool evenings and candy corn and candy apples for the children. Now it is just .....well you can see.

  15. Is ocean city a majority Democrat run city?

  16. Anyone beside me notice a common denominator here. If not here is a hint: Detroit, Chicongo, Memphis, Birmingham, and now I guess that would include Salisbury. Wake up folks! The change from a wonderfully safe place to grow up to a third world hellhole has been incremental and you have accepted it one increment at a time. Probably too late to save yourselves I am afraid. Anyone who supports Marxist communist democrats politicians is a fool and a useful idiot who deserves to live under the conditions they helped create. How I hate what has happened to the eastern shore and the state of Maryland in general. From an island in the great northwest, have as best a weekend as you can. Me? I’m going out in my boat and go crabbing tomorrow.

  17. Thanks Anonymous 1:17. You nailed it

  18. @ Anonymous said...
    Where is the New county sheriff ?

    He hasn't taken office yet...duh and OCPD has jurisdiction-Sheriff will come if needed...

  19. If Obammy had a son.....it would look just like these wannabe thugs!!!

  20. 3:18 don't be foolish- you tool. The firefighters may have raised hell but they weren't out threatening people, robbing people, beating people up for no reason. And let me clue you in because you are obviously extremely low information. Anytime let me repeat ANYTIME there is a big fight, gangs running up and down the boardwalk threatening people, strong arm robberies etc it IS BLACKS. You can call people names, lie about it, spin it, whatever you want but the facts speak for themselves. And I know how you people hate the truth-you can't stand the truth, it burns you up but again IT IS ABOUT RACE but if you deny this you are either a liar or so stupid about what is going on in OC that you would best be served to keep you mouth shut otherwise you are only proving you are an ignoramus.

  21. OC and their citizens asked for the family environment and they now have it. They now have to pay those high taxes without the help of the family vacationers. OC wants us back now but they kicked us out for this family atmosphere. Regret kicking us out? HOW DO YOU LIKE US NOW?

  22. Joe,since you moved Salisbury is in the dark on crime reporting and local government malfeasance.

  23. Cops afraid to do their job from being labeled racist.

  24. The female in the picture works as a cashier at the Food Lion at Pecan Square and Nanicoke road in Salisbury Md.

  25. 3:18 YOU are the idiot sir/madam. Your OBVIOUS bias against firefighters is almost as bad as your defense of these types of people.

    People who cannot conduct themselves in an appropriate manner when in public should not be in public, and perhaps should be removed from society as a result.

    To keep ignoring problems such as this is not good for anyone, nor is comparing apples to grapes as you are trying to do.

    Certain types of people do not respond to normal modes of communication. They only understand and respect actions. Talking, pleading, compromising, et. al. are not them.

    If they insist on acting like animals, they should be treated as such, in every sense of the word.

  26. "They" likely wanted to get from one spot to another and there are no vines in O.C. Some creatures can't be domesticated. That my friend's is why we have Law and Order in a society. If you can't exist with other creatures there are arrangements made for you. Seems like these quarter's are too nice, because some don't mind holding up there getting a free ride.

  27. I was a cop in O-sin Shi@#$ for several years and have lived in town since the early 1960's and beginning in the 1980's the town "Leaders", their word not mine, began requiring every arrest made in edition to a standard report must have a press report filed. Initially we thought great they are going to release all this information to the public so that the residents and visitors can be aware of crime and provide feedback to the police department. NOT they released all the crimes against property and an occasional fight at a bar with lots of people who witnessed it and knowing the word would get out. However the number of sexual assaults, including date rape, stranger rape, drugged and/or drunk rape and multiple criminals raping one victim repeatedly were NEVER released with very few ever hearing a word about these horrible crimes! People will say "Well surely when these people were tried in court the news got out? NO the county courts did backroom deals and plea bargains were the rule. I would argue with the prosecutors trying to stick up for the victims only to be shut down by the standard line "It's to protect the victim". JOE this is going on until this day! In the 1980's we received dozens of reported legit reports of sexual assaults in a week that the public never knew about! How many victims knew this policy and never reported attacks? THE TOWN OF OCEAN CITY IS A SEWER! People need to remember this is the 2nd largest CITY in Maryland all summer long and is Baltimore with the ocean and beach! My advice is from the hours of 10 pm - daylight ST^AY locked in someplace safe! I will leave you with this When was the last time you read in the local papers of a sexual assault and read it in say the Dispatch? I am still friends with many in the OCPD and I can assure you the assaults, gun involved assaults, robberies, rapes etcetera are still kept from the public! The drug crimes and amount of them is a whole different topic and is out of control and under reported in O-SIN CITY! I resigned my position at the OCPD and left police work after what I saw in the 5 yrs. I was an officer and as a 54 year resident of a town I have seen destroyed I am saddened by what has happened to the beautiful barren island I grew up in and what it has become since the early 1960's when I was a kid.

  28. Food lion at pecan square has been notified.

  29. We need concealed carry reciprocity NOW! Good guy with a gun would have taken them out...once they know the citizenry is as armed as the thugs are - they might not bring their trashy attitudes back here any more!

  30. Hey Rickie - you enjoying this? What, you are pissed??? Why so Mr. Mayor, this has been on YOUR watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep building that $7M median wall for the lack of Seacret's drunks that are no longer showing up.

    Waste of funding AGAIN!

  31. Ghetto Trash! Friends of Jake Day, Josh Hastings, Jared Schablein, Jake Burdette, Michele Gregory, James Yamakawa, Michael Feldman, Dan O'Hare, Rev. John Wright, et. al.

    Friends of Antifa Wicomico!

  32. Anonymous said...
    I was a cop in O-sin Shi@#$ for several years and have lived in town since the early 1960's and beginning in the 1980's the town "Leaders", their word not mine, began requiring every arrest made in edition to a standard report must have a press report filed. Initially we thought great they are going to release all this information to the public so that the residents and visitors can be aware of crime and provide feedback to the police department. NOT they released all the crimes against property and an occasional fight at a bar with lots of people who witnessed it and knowing the word would get out. However the number of sexual assaults, including date rape, stranger rape, drugged and/or drunk rape and multiple criminals raping one victim repeatedly were NEVER released with very few ever hearing a word about these horrible crimes! People will say "Well surely when these people were tried in court the news got out? NO the county courts did backroom deals and plea bargains were the rule. I would argue with the prosecutors trying to stick up for the victims only to be shut down by the standard line "It's to protect the victim". JOE this is going on until this day! In the 1980's we received dozens of reported legit reports of sexual assaults in a week that the public never knew about! How many victims knew this policy and never reported attacks? THE TOWN OF OCEAN CITY IS A SEWER! People need to remember this is the 2nd largest CITY in Maryland all summer long and is Baltimore with the ocean and beach! My advice is from the hours of 10 pm - daylight ST^AY locked in someplace safe! I will leave you with this When was the last time you read in the local papers of a sexual assault and read it in say the Dispatch? I am still friends with many in the OCPD and I can assure you the assaults, gun involved assaults, robberies, rapes etcetera are still kept from the public! The drug crimes and amount of them is a whole different topic and is out of control and under reported in O-SIN CITY! I resigned my position at the OCPD and left police work after what I saw in the 5 yrs. I was an officer and as a 54 year resident of a town I have seen destroyed I am saddened by what has happened to the beautiful barren island I grew up in and what it has become since the early 1960's when I was a kid.

    July 8, 2018 at 11:45 AM

    WTF is O-sin Shi@#$?

    You dumb moron! Do you think we are all mind readers?

    Do you think you are cool with your stupid lingo. Just tell us what the Hell you are talkig about instead of your childish mind games. Douche Bag!

  33. Friends of Jermichael Mitchell, Jamaad Gould, Mark Thompson, Kevin Lindsey, Jake Day, Amber Green, Briana Chandler, Julia Glanz.

  34. Hopefully, she USED to work at Food Lion. POS.

    1. So many blacks working there

      They petitioned Rev Wright to have Food Lion called BLACK LION

      and Walmart to be called BLACK MART

  35. Keep turning the other cheek - and you all be sorry.

    Black Panthers, what a joke - thugs and little girls are all you are. BLM - Obama's made up gang. Couldn't wouldnt work an honest day if you could.

  36. WTF is O-sin Shi@#$?

    You dumb moron! Do you think we are all mind readers?

    Do you think you are cool with your stupid lingo. Just tell us what the Hell you are talkig about instead of your childish mind games. Douche Bag!
    July 9, 2018 at 3:03 AM

    Damn, are you that dense you can't figure out what he was saying? I would tell you myself but you are too rude to know.


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