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Sunday, July 08, 2018


Hi Joe,

FYI: We just received word from our newspaper delivery person that "The Baltimore Sun has acquired The Daily Times effective on Monday, July 23rd." and his last day of delivering the newspaper to us will be on Sunday, July 22.

We enjoy your website and thank you for providing us with real news.


  1. News, yes. No fake news"!" Say NO to them (fake news!*) use your Brains use your Own MInd's eye!! Think for Your Self.

  2. Did they have to pay $1.26 for it or was it handed to them for free at arms length in an odor proof bag like the stinking pile of dung that it is?

    1. Oh Steve, we are projecting again.

  3. While the Sun is a liberal rag it does do some good investigating reporting, looking forward to the change. Also hope the Parker days are over

    1. 1004, you are correct. Liberal, but generally good pieces. I'll take it over the alternative.

      Speaking of, has anyone figured out the real purpose of Obama's BRAIN Initiative yet? What is it about? Why the focus on your brains?

    2. Some investigation needs to be done on the property HANDOUTS the city has given over the last few years.

    3. Not when the spd and Jake day continue to cover up for daburys crime.

  4. Anyone notice that Courtesy Chevrolet was bought by Hertrich?

    1. 10:32-Midway Chevy, too. The Nordstroms simply retired and their son is venturing into politics. No news there.

  5. Does this mean we would be getting more local news or less Delaware and more Baltimore news

    1. And they bought Toys R Us property. Moving everything to one location. Also, Sherwood has been sold to another Ford dealership bought out Hopkins. Pohanka is moving some business to Price location as well. You heard it here first.

    2. Price Buick GMC is Hertrich now and has been for over 2 years. The Price family may still own the storage lot up on Naylor Mill that Pohanka stored some cars and maybe still does. Price Honda, Acura, and the 2 Toyota stores in DE were not involved in the sale of the MD dealership at the time.

  6. I would have thought the National Inquirer would have bought it, this paper is so full of lies, fake news, and crap.

  7. It kinda evens out in the end, get rid of a POS and replace it with another POS !!

  8. Parker, Pollitt & the Rest of the DT's Misfits are all having orgasms over this even more shift to the left.

  9. Some investigative reporting here in Salisbury would be a welcomed change. Readers became tired of the paper's obvious political slants and he-said-she-said style of lazy reporting.

  10. I am surprised that the Daily Times has been able to weather their own induced liberal slant storms as long as they have. If you examine their demise closely (lost customer base), one can easily tell that with the advent of the internet and electronic news, they got out hustled, out reported, and lost virtually all of their credibility.

  11. Just like the Capital Gazette where the Douche Bag, Left Wing Hispanic shot his enemies, they are owned by the Baltimore Sun as well.

  12. I hope they fire Susan Hargreaves Parker, Ricky Pollitt and the other Liberal Morons who have been tooting their own "I'm a Hero Journalist" horns after their 'worst nightmare' occurred the other day.

  13. The two worst newspapers in America -- what a bad joke.

  14. Hopefully, they will put some real news out to those of us who still get the newspaper! And that won’t be days late in reporting!

  15. Just another far left trash rag that refuses to publish any thing that will shed a bad light on the left. You will never read an article about something positive done by the right. Pure leftist slant is their path......

  16. Can someone tell me why there are no conservatives that own major newspapers or major TV networks?

  17. Has anyone ever noticed that when Liberal Rags like the Sun and the Daily Rag talk about Climate Change and the Ozone layer they never mention that a$$ gas contributes to it?

    They used to always talk about cows belching!

  18. Courtesy Chevrolet was bought by IG Burton.

    1. 2:10-No it wasn't! Hertrich now owns it and Midway from the Nordstrom group.

    2. IG Burton bought Berlin Chevrolet Dodge Jeep Ram that they bought 2 years ago from the Barrett family. I guess ole Big Jim couldn't swindle the smarter Berlin area patrons with his buy here pay here schemes that he gets away with in DE.
      I wish the Barretts could have changed with the times, they were a fine family to work for.

  19. Did Charmin buy it?

  20. A couple local businesses have been sold,be hearing about them soon.

  21. Joe rember when you started this blog what the daily times said about it?

  22. sbynews is the only real news. keep up the good work joe.

  23. I have it on good authority that the purchase price was $24 million and former editor Gary Grossman (who now lives in Salisbury) will be brought back to run the ship.

  24. They also need to get rid of their HR person, she is a nut job, big time.

  25. Rick Pillott needs to pay his bills DEADBEAT!!

  26. Different name same lies.


  27. Did the Slimes sale also include Delamarva Media Group, or just the rag itself? If they paid 24M for the Slimes alone the Sheriff should be investigating a major robbery!

    Shame, shame, shame on Gannett.

  28. So its not the liberal USA Today paper anymore, and its now a Baltimore Sun liberal paper? No change.

  29. Wait until the Sun does an investigative piece on all of the unsolved SPD homicides and violent crimes that Kolb and Kaiser let go without thorough investigation because it interfered with their beauty sleep and Friday golf games. They run SPD now and bark orders like they are accomplished leaders when the rank and file know their secret truth - they were "me first" then and are "me first" now. Not respected and why should they be when they didn't care enough for the victims to do the job right. Things done in the dark always come to light.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Breaking News.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressive The Gay Reverend John Wright got arrested yesterday afternoon, 7-1-2018, after he charged across the road to attack a Pro-Trump supporter. He claims he "stepped in the road" which is false, he charged after a Pro-Trump peaceful protester. He was arrested on the spot by Worcester County Deputies. John Wright and other members of ANTIFA Wicomico, James Yamakawa, Dan O'Hare, Jake Burdette, Jared Schablein, Kevin Schablein, Michelle Gregory, Michael Feldman, Christopher Aulerich and others including their children. They took their children to protest in the 100-degree heat. They all should be charged with child abuse for that. Of course the Daily Rag was there supporting the ANTIFA Progressives. Must have gotten the assignment from Susan Parker.

    John Wright is the Minister at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Salisbury

    Christopher Aulerich the same guy that had been arrested and charged with malicious destruction of property for graffiti on downtown Salisbury buildings belonging to Wicomico County, including the courthouse where our Civil War plaque is located.

    Dan O'Hare is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Maryland House of Delegates, 37B.

    Michele Gregory is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Council, District 3.

    Jake Burdette just got elected to the Democrat Central Committee. Scary!

    See the arrest right here:
    "Worcester County Law Enforcement taking away a reverend, John Wright , for stepping in the road at an anti-ICE protest outside the Worcester County Detention Center. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!"

    Here is the initial video from the ANTIFA member James Yamakawa who coordinated the Protest at the Worcester County Jail.

    They were at the Worcester County Jail protesting because the Jail is getting paid to house illegal aliens and claiming they are doing it for profit.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate ICE who are cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate Blue Lives Matters.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives celebrates the killing of cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate white men.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives are Black Lives Matters members.

    ANTIFA Wicomico includes Jamaad Gould, James Yamakawa, Amber Green, Jake Day, Jake Burdett, Jared Schablein, Earle Hatton, Kevin Schablein, Michele Gregory, Michael Feldman, Josh Hastings, Dan O'Hare and quite a few others. These are the ones that are dangerous because they are trying to take over county politics.

    July 2, 2018 at 5:58 PM

    Joe this is a true story and the Daily Times is not being honest about this story. No mention of the goofball wannabe "minister" getting arrested. I guess Susan Hargreaves Parker is protecting this guy because her son Chad Parker and his wierdo wife attends this church. So does Ron Pagano and other Democrat misfits.

  31. add Jackie Welfonder to that list of misfits to. she is apart of those misfits. Some of us tried to tell you all this stuff was going on a couple of years ago, you did not want to hear it. Now they try to get elected so that they can run and control our city and county. Running the city is bad enough but me must not let them get control of the county and they are trying!

  32. 5:06, Yeah, I hear she was in the car with a guy named B.J. who got a ticket from the police in Delmar not too long ago. Wanna come forward with why you were in the car with another married man, or shall I?

  33. Interesting Veddy Interesting.

  34. IMO catty gossip is not necessary on a News Site. Why is it anyone's concern. Do you want to come forward with why you chat it up with married women. There are people each of us do not like for one reason or another. A wise person does not trash or judge them on blogs. We will answer to the good Lord eventually. Would you continue to berate someone in Heaven because you don't think they should be there?

    The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can find a good qualities.

    When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser --SOCRATES. IMO Socrates is correct, proven by the amount of slander in SBYNews comments.

  35. Only the death notice business was worth anything.

  36. 6:45 JOE ALBEROS - her name wasn't on the police report but a prostitute's was, and they were just leaving a prominent local politician's birthday party - your sources are garbage, man

  37. I haven't gotten the Times since the 80's and never missed it.

  38. Somehow, I doubt Cris Craft Boats, one of the former largest employers for Salisbury, can ever be brought back. Nor, do I see Crown Cork & Seal or Cambells (and the many others) ever coming back. Who can actually care about a hick town newspaper business that employs 10 or less?

    Sadly, your choices are left to the University, the chicken plant, or the hospital (to die). All the other events for this town are not real significant anymore.

  39. I hope they fire that little witch Susan Hargreaves Parker.

    Her son is a member of Antifa Wicomico and he and his wife is a member of Fake Preacher, The Gay John Wright of the Unitarian Universalist Church. The same HOMO that got arrested for charging after the Patriots across the street from their protest at the Worcester County Jail a week ago.

    Chad Parker is also a known Communist and hates America.

    We already know what the little witch is. She is a Left Wingnut Socialist Progressive Democrat who is also a member of Antifa Wicomico. They go around an protest wearing scarves and black masks.


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