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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

No, The #WalkAway Movement Isn't Run By Russian Bots

Democrats want you to believe the #Walkaway campaign is a right-wing propaganda effort being propped up by a legion of Russian bots, but don't you believe it. Brandon Straka's WalkAway Facebook group now has over 106,000 members and anyone who takes the time to read their stories will quickly be disabused of the notion that it is run by bots.

The #WalkAway stories are compelling, and often quite moving. People from every imaginable background -- black, white, Hispanic, rich, poor, straight, gay, trans, and even celebrity -- explain why they left the party. Most of these people voted Democrat their whole lives and most have lost friends for supporting President Trump. Most have also found solace in the #WalkAway community.

In 2016, the Democrat media complex ignored the massive grassroots movement that come out in support for Trump, dismissing his massive rallies and popularity online as somehow insignificant. Now they are dismissing the #WalkAway campaign as a propaganda movement created by bots.


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