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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Boston Weighs Measure To Let Foreign Nationals Vote In Elections

Just in time for the upcoming midterm elections, Boston City Council is holding a hearing Tuesday to discuss the idea of voting rights for non-US citizens living in the country legally, according to Boston.com.

The hearing called by Council President Andrea Campbell is aimed at a discussion on how to make city elections "more inclusive" for the roughly 190,000 foreign-born residents of the city, who would be allowed the right to vote in municipal races.

That could include legal permanent residents, visa holders and those on Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. -Boston.com

Foreign-born residents account for around 28% of Boston's population according to Campbell's order, which claims non-US citizens paid $116 million in local and state taxes, while generating over $3.4 billion in spending according to a 2015 city report.



  1. NO Citizenship, NO Vote.

  2. Interesting, certain Massholes are some of the most racist I've come across in America.

  3. There are several towns in Maryland where Illegal aliens can vote, Takoma Park in Prince Georges County is one of them.

  4. Boston thinking outside the box with elections. Nah - not with non US citizens.

    Hmmmm...hey Rickie and City Fail, why not allow owners (not perm residents) vote in OC's elections? Afraid you may lose? Times are a changing, best to get ahead of it before it rolls over you!!

    And another thing - CLOSE H20 (under 21 club). Year in and Year out - all it does is cause headaches and VERY bad publicity!


  5. The one who permit illegals to vote are then voted out of office and replaced by the illegals...


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