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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Mueller Seeks to Bar Manafort 'Selective Prosecution' Argument

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller asked a federal judge to block Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, from arguing at his trial in September that prosecutors are selectively targeting him for vindictive reasons.

Prosecutors also want to bar Manafort from introducing evidence that he was previously investigated but not charged before Mueller was appointed in May 2017. The requests came in a court filing Monday in Washington, where Manafort is accused of money laundering, obstruction of justice and failing to register as a foreign agent of Ukraine.

In the filing, prosecutors asked U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to preclude Manafort from arguing to jurors about Mueller’s motive or the scope of his appointment.

“The government’s reasons for initiating a prosecution have nothing to do with whether the evidence at trial proves the elements of the charged offenses, which is the sole question that the jury must answer,” prosecutors Andrew Weissmann and Greg Andres argued in the seven-page filing.

They also argued that Manafort, 69, shouldn’t suggest that “prosecutors in this case have resurrected charges that the Department of Justice previously investigated but declined to prosecute or determined not to be meritorious.”



  1. Mueller is scared that if Manafort is allowed to defend himself then he will be exposed and he will be sued and held personally responsible for destroying peoples lives.


    Learn about it and use it.
    It's ABSOLUTELY legal and they don't want you to know anything about it and that's why judges will NOT allow it to be spoken of in court.
    It's one of our RIGHTS, you cheerleading goofs, and they SUPRESS information about it.
    Because they are serving and protecting and only want to keep us safe.

    I made that last part up.
    Keep cheering.

  3. And other Presidents put Supreme Court justice's in there who did not think the same as them???? Bull shi-. They do it, not a word. Trump does it and they have a hissy fit. Sick and tired of the democrats attacking our President.


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