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Thursday, July 12, 2018

John McCain and the IRS: Never Forget

In the summer of 2014, the Congressional Tea Party caucus held a meeting on Capitol Hill and invited the leaders of about 20 Tea Party groups. The meeting was to discuss strategy. As the meeting wound down, the door to the meeting room opened and in came Sen. John McCain.

The senator from Arizona received a polite but cool reception. He rambled for a couple of minutes, thanking the group for their work and asking them to work with him and the Republicans.

The reception would have been considerably less friendly had the Tea Party leaders known about the actions of Mr. McCain’s former staff director and chief counsel only a year earlier.

In April 2013, Henry Kerner, who was Mr. McCain’s staff director and chief counsel, met with Lois Lerner and others from the IRS. This was only weeks before the IRS targeting scandal broke. Mr. Kerner was meeting with the IRS to discuss 501(c)4 organizations. These were the activist organizations that the IRS tried to shut down. At least it was the conservative organizations that the IRS tried to destroy.

In this meeting, while discussing the issue of the 501(c)4 groups, Mr. Kerner suggested the IRS go after these groups by auditing them and audit “so many, it becomes financially ruinous.”

More here

[Related: Weaponization comes to the West Wing?]


  1. McCain (and his father) work for the globalists

  2. Stop using the IRS as a weapon!

  3. People should have realized that McCain was addled when he returned from years of torture at the hands of the communists. Throw in his age and active brain cancer and what do we have?

  4. Worse still, McCain actively worked to hide credible information about POWs left behind in Southeast Asia.

    Google "McCain and the POW cover-up". Read a few articles about it, and I don't mean that CIA inspired drivel published by The New Yorker that comes complete with a black and white photo of McCain sitting alongside that other 'Great American Hero', John Heinz Kerry. The specific purpose of said article being to try to discredit Trump for calling McCain out. Read the stories written by people with skin in the game. Read the accounts where people actually did some investigating. Read the stories about McCain berating POW families to tears simply for asking about accounts of their missing loved ones.

    McCain's a real piece of work. I'd say I was ashamed I voted for him, but for the fact that the thought in my mind as I pulled the lever that day was, "I'd rather be wrong about McCain, than wrong about Obama".

  5. Just another example of how this new ship christen / named for the McCain family is a disgrace to our Military. John McCain the traitor cost POW's their lives and responsible for a fire on board a ship which created lose of lives and severe damage to Military equipment.

    1. 308 he is a better person than you'll ever be. Sad!

    2. 3:38- Back under the bridge, troll!

  6. How could we ever forget this traitor?!!

  7. 5:29....as soon as he is under the bridge, tie him to a support and open the dam upstream.
    McCain DID cause the death of Navy personnel AND aided the enemy. Sorry if the TRUTH hits you too hard.
    3:38 wouldn't know a REAL man because his boyfriend won't allow it.

    Yeah I said it.

    Keep cheering.

  8. 3:38 when you criticize other shows you know nothing about history. You cheer McCain means you are a Socialist Democrat like the rogue McCain. Also shows you approve of him killing our Military. I will say this because your comment is non-sense. My era was Viet Nam. What was your service era?

    1. Special ops

      Classified ....

      Received purple heart from Civil War

  9. McCain is a scoundrel and can not be trusted. I certainly hope no one out there believed the crap about his being a “war hero” because he is far from it. A hero doesn’t allow himself to be captured and serve as a propaganda vehicle for the enemy. I flew recon missions for thirty months in Vietnam, getting shot at every day and swore that if I went down I would take as many of them as I could before they killed me. I’d have to have been unconscious for them to drag me away to be a captive of those savages for years.


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