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Friday, July 06, 2018

Here’s What Happened the Last Time the Left Got Nasty

This is definitely becoming a thing.

On Monday, a toddler-bearing mother confronted EPA chief Scott Pruitt at a Washington, D.C., teahouse and demanded he resign over allegations that he’s been using his office to line his pockets. And last month, inflamed by President Donald Trump’s policy of separating immigrant families at the Mexico border, a handful of citizens took it upon themselves to ensure that certain administration officials couldn’t dine in peace. That controversy came hard on the heels of a similar flare-up weeks earlier, over whether celebrities should attack Trump and his family members with straight-up vulgarity (sparked by Robert De Niro using the F-bomb at the Tony Awards). And all these chapters merely belong to a longer-running saga about what kinds of tactics — boycotting inaugurations, stomping down invited speakers, punching out white supremacists — are suitable for protesting this president, his policies and the dark vision of America he’s leading us into.

Although Trump critics are split about how to respond, many pundits on the left, in the wake of the dinner-denial incidents, seem to be tilting toward the view that we should unshackle ourselves from the constraints of human decency to fight back in kind. It’s easy to understand and share their wish to ostracize, shame or punish those who are complicit with the president’s agenda. Trump has led the way in discarding the norms anddebasing the discourse of public life: crudely insulting political rivals and world leaders, touting vicious conspiracy theories, encouraging violence at rallies and much more. Do he and his supporters really deserve respect, especially for policies like caging children?



  1. With idiots like Rutgers professor Greenberg teaching kids, no wonder they're so confused. What he thinks he sees is so far from reality he might as well be living in a different universe.
    He's right about one thing. The liberals hurt their cause by being in your face ignorant. Of course his own ignorance blinds him of the fact that you can't reason with ignorant.

  2. This article itself, as written, is proof in the pudding that these whack jobs need to be kept at bay and allowed nowhere near civilized society.

    Just wow.

  3. The "Left" has been demonizing the "Right" for at least 18 years - and now they dog pile on Trump knowing the "Middle" will not cover his back.

  4. Just a matter of time.......somebody will take this too far, end up in jail, or worse yet shot by a body guard. Of course it will not be their fault either.


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