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Friday, July 06, 2018

China Warns U.S. Is ‘Opening Fire’ On the World With Tariff Threats

Global powers panicked by America First trade policies

The United States is “opening fire” on the world with its threatened tariffs, China warned on Thursday, saying no one wants a trade war but it will respond the instant U.S. measures go into effect, as Beijing ramped up the rhetoric in the heated dispute.

The Trump administration’s tariffs on $34 billion of Chinese imports are due to go into effect at 0401 GMT on Friday, which is just after midday in Beijing.

U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to escalate the trade conflict with tariffs on as much as $450 billion worth of Chinese goods if China retaliates, with the row roiling financial markets including stocks, currencies and the global trade of commodities from soybeans to coal.

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  1. They must have missed the fact that Trump is in favor of NO tariffs in either direction with ALL countries.

    Gosh, imagine that they can't deal with that!

  2. We are sick and tired of the cheap, worthless trash that you inundate our country with.


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