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Monday, June 11, 2018

Where The Hell Have You Been, Lady? Pelosi's Remarks On The Economy Aren't Grounded In Reality

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) could be talking the way out of a 2018 midterm win. It’s still possible, however. A lot of indicators have shifted away from the Democrats in that endeavor. The generic ballot advantage Democrats enjoyed has been chipped away. The messaging is off. They’re now fighting the same losing battles with Trump, like defending trashing the American flag and the national anthem, with the most recent giving cover to MS-13 gang members as folks…who aren’t so bad. Sorry, no—they’re garbage human beings who are thugs, rapists, and murderers, devoid of any humanity. They deserve to be treated as such. Lock ‘em up and throw away the key. Dehumanization of a cancerous and dangerous criminal element in our society is not a bad thing; it’s a necessity. Pelosi did step on a rake defending MS-13, but we’re going to talk about how she is absolutely divorced from reality on the issue of the economy.

The May jobs report was stellar, with 223,000 jobs created. It was solid. That is a fact. But Pelosi decided to take the position that they were worthless. Oh, and unemployment reached an 18-year low; black unemployment reached historic lows as well.



  1. This withered crone will leave us before long, but what will replace her?

  2. The queen of the democrats.

  3. Please just let her ramble on.She will self destruct and take her stupid party with her.


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