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Monday, June 11, 2018

The mysterious engraved rock that could finally reveal the fate of English settlers in the 'Lost Colony of Roanoke' - or be one of America's biggest hoaxes

An engraved rock discovered nearly 100 years ago at the North Carolina-Virginia border has sparked a decades-long debate about clues that could help solve one of the oldest mysteries in the nation.

It’s been over 400 years since the Roanoke Colony on Chesapeake Bay disappeared without a trace, save for the word ‘Croatoan’ carved into a fence post.

Over 100 settlers went unaccounted for, and all buildings had been dismantled.

In 1937, however, a middle-aged man presented scholars with a 21-pound stone he claimed to have found – and, etched into its surface appeared to be a message from a member of the Lost Colony, detailing a bloody massacre that took place at the site, according to National Geographic.



  1. I mean, it's not rocket science. There's probably no mystery as to why, decades after their "mysterious disappearance", returning parties found children of the Croatan tribe had distinctly Anglo-Saxon features. Which makes more sense, that an entire colony up and vanished into thin air, or that they joined with a local native tribe to help survive several harsh winters?

  2. The Roanoke colony was not "on Chesapeake Bay". Somebody needs to look at a map!


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