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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Pride flag replaces military flags at Indiana VA hospita

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) -- The five flag poles that line the entrance sidewalk to the VA Northern Indiana Health Care System at 2121 Lake Ave. typically fly flags of the country's five branches of military: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard.

On Tuesday, through, those flags were taken down and just one was flown in their place: an LGBT pride flag.

June is celebrated as Pride month around the country.

The sight drew plenty of attention from residents and visitors to the VA. WISH-TV's sister station WANE received several questions and comments and photos from viewers.

The VA Northern Indiana Healthcare System issued the following statement:

"Logistically, we could not add a flag without removing a flag from the poles outside our VA. Rather than single out one military branch's flag to be temporarily replaced with the LGBT flag, we chose to remove all of them for one day in order to show our dedication to serving all Veterans equally."

The VA said service flags were put back up before the end of the business day.



  1. That is some disgusting BS. They will probably put up antifa flags next. Besides that it is a waste of money that could be spent on the patients.

  2. Bring on all the comments from homophobic Billy-Bob tough guys outraged by Pride.

  3. Fire whoever is in charge there.

  4. Not too wise...shame on them.

  5. Hmmm homophobic would mean a fear of gay people. No I'm not afraid of them. I don't care what they do and who they do it with. Just tired of having their agenda forced into our daily lives. The typical lib response is to call names like homophobic Billy-Bob. In the liberal world I am supposed to agree with everything they believe and if I don't then they call me names. If there ever comes a time to choose I'll take Billy-Bob over some person who cannot figure out what gender he or she is or is supposed to be with.

    1. Oh and eats soap and becomes an a sexual hermaphrodite... they can go screw themselves butttttt they just aren't that interested

  6. 9:31 Resorts to name calling. Low IQ.

  7. This makes us want to throw up. You cant say Jesus in the military but you display that aberration of a flag!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Bring on all the comments from homophobic Billy-Bob tough guys outraged by Pride.

    June 14, 2018 at 9:31 AM

    Homophobic is nothing more than dropping the race card to make us feel guilty that we don't support you freaks with a mental illness inserting your sex organs in another man's poop shoot. It's immoral and it unnaturally insane.

    A frontal lobotomy should be sufficient.

  9. I am ashamed of the US Military for doing this. This needs to stop Mr. President.

  10. Science says that there are only 2 genders. Science also says that 2 men having sex cannot make a baby. Science says that 2 women having sex cannot produce a baby. Science must be homophobic.

  11. A VA hospital totally disrespecting our Flag, such a disgrace. Good example of why the Administration should be fired ASAP. US Military Flags are non-discriminatory.

  12. Pride isn't something that can be forced on other people.

  13. Disrespectful to all service men and women


  14. The flag poles were placed to honor the military branches the patients served in by flying the flags each day. Period.

    Whoever approved this display should be disciplined. Hope the VA will follow through.

  15. Gotta get these Obama leftovers out of government positions.

  16. My goodness stop just stop i could give a s**t less about the whole pride crap. They're a bunch of whining sissies that just want a pity party and do nothing but take take take. Lets see the one that are doing anything other than taking and wanting.


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