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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Women Supporting Women to host the Your Healthiest You Conference at the WY&CC

SALISBURY, Md. – Women Supporting Women will be hosting the Your Healthiest You Conference at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center on Saturday, May 19, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Attendees are invited to participate in a day of health and wellness education with a holistic approach. The event will feature vendors from women's health, genetics, herbal teas and nutrition to reiki, acupuncture and more.

Breakout sessions on various topics will include discussions on medical marijuana, preventative health, living a holistic lifestyle, relaxation and guided imagery and will be held throughout the day.

Darryle Pollack, author of “I Never Signed Up for This...: Finding Power in Life's Broken Pieces,” will be a featured guest speaker.

Genetic testing, courtesy of Myriad, will also be available to participants at the event and fees may apply.

Admission is free and preregistration is encouraged.

Register at http://womensupportingwomen.org/event/healthconfwsw/.


  1. Woman supporting woman?? What a joke. Woman never support other woman. They are backstabbing worse than men. ANOTHER hypothetical event. We watched how the woman in wicomico county came to the defense of a woman council member. First woman Police Chief and Public Works director. Cricket's from COCKROACHES.

  2. I agree. When it comes to professional woman coming to Salisbury women don't support WOMEN. These professionals can go ANYWHERE but they choose Salisbury. Then they get ridiculed and harassed for what?? Doing a great job for Salisbury?? How many men can do their job let alone a woman?? But they get chased away because of the people in Salisbury. You had a MAN who spent 70 million dollars of our money on s WWTP that NEVER worked. (JOHN JACOBS) Then a woman came FIXED it and got millions back. Yet when people are posting lie, innuendos and here say about a WOMAN doing her job. She's ridiculed. This event is a JOKE. Your low turn out will confirm it. Women taking care of WOMEN conference us ANOTHER EASTERN SHORE EMBARRASSMENT.

  3. Just another event for the so called elite of Salisbury wives to get together to get a free mealand drink. You'll see all their pictures in the paper so they can be noticed. EMBARRASSING.

  4. Seriously these posts are just mean. If it wasnt for this orginization this double mastectomy breast cancer survivor would not be able to get the supplies needed for recovery, support or prostetics. Insurance pays barely anything for these and WSW provides them for just a SMALL donation. Please dont knock what you dont know about.

  5. Wsw is a great resource to this community, providing wigs and support for cancer patients going thru chemo and radiation, at no cost. Bags of information are
    provided, at no cost to the newly diagnosed. So shut up if you know nothing about it!

    1. Your so thoughtful. One day out of the year you think of someone other than yourself. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the front page.

  6. Aww. What wrong with the truth. No nothing about it?? Seems like they hit the nail on the head. Don't forget your body armor. The knives will be out. LOL.

  7. Sounds like the only mean one's will be at this circus.


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