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Saturday, May 12, 2018

High Sugar Intake Is Causing More High Blood Pressure Than High Salt Intake

For more than a century, many have pointed their fingers at salt as the main culprit in high blood pressure or hypertension that leads to kidney damage, stroke, and heart attack. But the problem is actually sugar.

Some have even described salt as “the single deadliest ingredient in your pantry.” And many doctors insist on eliminating salt entirely from one’s diet to reduce the number of cases of hypertension and save lives. But turns out salt is not the real villain. In fact, limiting salt in the diet can raise your chances of developing a fatal heart problem, especially if the salt comes from a healthy source.

Researchers from Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City and Montefiore Medical Center in New York believe the benefits of doing away with sodium is “debatable” since the relationship between salt and heart disease is murky. A meta-analysis by the non-profit Cochrane Collaboration revealed that moderate amounts of salt can’t lower the risk of dying from or developing cardiovascular disease, as reported byNatural News.

The study authors also stressed that most dietary salt is derived from processed foods, which are also the biggest source of added sugar.The researchers cited population studies and clinical trials that showed sugar has a negative effect on blood pressure. In particular, researchers point to fructose, which many studies point to as the reason for a damaged cardiovascular system.

Quitting sugar, on the other hand, can help with a number of ailments not just cardiovascular health. Sugar actually is inflammatory to the body and can be hidden villain in our pantry. But that’s all thanks to the money-driven sugar industry:


1 comment:

  1. When you are 98 yrs old and you bake your own goodies filled with sugar, you don't really care what researchers say.


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