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Friday, May 18, 2018

What Women Bring to Corrections

Contrary to what some people think, their presence enhances security and operations.

"You don't need a bunch of ladies guarding men." Those words, uttered by Louisiana state Rep. Kenny Havard at a recent hearing at the state Capitol, stung me, and I am sure thousands of other women corrections professionals reacted the same way. However, and more importantly, it reminded me that in spite of the progress women have made in corrections, we still have work to do. The irony was not lost on me that such a statement was made in March, during National Women's History month.

As the executive deputy secretary for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and president of the national Association of Women Executives in Corrections (AWEC), I am shocked by the commenter's inaccurate perception of women in the corrections field. AWEC and most of our male counterparts, who are true professionals, recognize, value and appreciate what women bring to the table. We firmly believe that the presence of women enhances the safety, operations, communication and security within corrections' organizational culture and that the field is strengthened by women and men working together within the professional norms of our society and culture.



  1. Oh please ! They have more meat wallets to smuggle in drugs and cell phones. Scratching and picking at their weaves with their frito nails.

  2. Begs the question...Why does ones gender bring more, or less, to the table? If, as some claim, all are equal.

  3. I my dear ask, how much time did you spend on a tier or in a unit. I find those in charge male or female don't have a clue what it's like to be a real CO.

    1. Nobody asked you to so the job.

  4. Having worked in corrections for nearly three decades, I have no problem working alongside females. There are worthless, frightened and lazy males officers and everyone knows who they are, including the inmates.
    I will take a confident and honest female any day to have in my housing unit over the frightened male officer who thinks his submissive manner will favor him when trouble breaks out.

  5. Women in correction bring in a lot of time off due to child care issues, menstrual issues, pregnancy issues, fornication with inmates and senior staff issues, discrimination issues and the list goes on and on and on.

  6. Putting women in Male institutions puts them in harm's way. Many male inmates are rapists and murderers of women. Other than the so-called equality issue, it is not necessary for women to be assigned to male units, and shouldn't be. When the riots break out, the inmates always want a woman hostage. No woman should be exposed to that. But if that's what they want.....


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