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Friday, May 18, 2018

Four socialist-backed candidates win Pennsylvania legislative primaries

Four Democratic candidates backed by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) won primary elections for legislative seats in Pennsylvania on Tuesday.

In the Pittsburgh area, Summer Lee and Sara Innamorato, Democrats who are both members of the DSA, won primaries for state House Districts 34 and 21.

Lee and Innamorato defeated state Reps. Paul Costa and Dom Costa, both Democrats. They do not have Republican opponents in the general election.

Costa congratulated Lee on her victory, telling the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that her campaign had done a better job getting people out to vote."

"They energized a lot of people, and they showed up at the polls,” he told the outlet.



  1. Democrats for destroying America finally telling the truth where they stand on their Communist views.

  2. Treasonous HANG EM.

  3. Democratic Socialist? Don't people question labels anymore?


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