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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

WATCH: Biden Makes Racially-Charged Gaffe Describing Detroit Women

On Tuesday, former Vice President Joe Biden made a racially-charged gaffe while describing women in the Detroit area, referring to them as "women from the hood."

Biden made the remarks while speaking at a forum on the future of America's middle class, which was hosted by the Brookings Institution and the Biden Foundation.

"Ordinary people do extraordinary things," Biden said. "We become awful elitist, we don't think ordinary people can do things that, like, program, code."

Biden said that learning how to code is "not rocket science" and that when coders were needed in Detroit, Michigan, women were picked "from the hood" to learn how to code.



  1. Biden didn't make a "gaffe." He is a democrat and all democrats are extremely racist. Democrats do everything within their power to keep blacks chained up. Democrats have seen to it that blacks are herded up and corralled in the ghetto with little to no hope of escape. Democrats want blacks to be illiterate and that is why they are so against school choice and force many black children to attend sub standard dangerous schools. Democrats know if the majority of blacks were to get truly educated they would be able to put 2 and 2 together and figure out how the democrats have kept them in chains.
    Just look how house slave Maxine Waters went out to marginalize Kayne West. Just like a good house negro she was sent out to stop any independent thinking field negros (black voters)from jumping on West's words. Democrats hate when blacks are free thinkers. Slaves aren't supposed to think. They are not human to democrats only votes. Leaked emails from the Clinton campaign said she was "uncomfortable" around blacks. They also called blacks lazy losers and no one was even fired from the campaign for saying that. Clinton could care less about blacks. To Clinton they aren't human either just votes. Clinton doesn't even like to be around blacks it said unless of course they are cleaning her toilets or voting for her. To Clinton that is all they are good for.

  2. Sure, turn a good story into more political drama. Guess you missed the entire point of the success story. I can't find the origins of the women in question, but we are talking about women in detroit who previously lacked education. Where do you think they found them?????

  3. I've read worse on here


  4. And when Delaware 'needed' a senator they found one in a plagiarizing, female pawing, gaffe master. I refer, of course, to Slow Joe.

  5. 1:51 That elvis tune "In the ghetto"


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