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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Average American Works More Than The Average Medieval Peasant

Peasants worked just 1620 hours yearly.

We hear the propaganda often: Medieval times, the so-called "dark ages," were miserable for peasants, the labor force exploited by greedy feudal lords.

Believe what you will about these so-called "dark ages," just know that research from Boston College professor Juliet Schor shows that the average American works far more hours and far more days a year than the average peasant did during the middle-ages.

In Schor's text, The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure, the professor demonstrates that the average leisure time for Americans remains far below that of the average leisure time for peasants during the middle-ages. Back in 1987, Americans worked on average 1,949 hours annually.



  1. Dave T: Why am I not surprised by this? Maybe because I'm living it. Can't count the number of times employers have tried to illustrate how "right" it is to constantly work hard beyond what's expected, without any praise, benefit, or even consideration for what's done on their behalf. Hell, I've even had to argue with one idiot employer who swore "world class service can only be rendered if you are standing" so that they could prevent you from even sitting down during an entire shift. Meanwhile, they're laughing all the way to the bank. And our wonderful politicians stand alongside to fan the flame. We are already in what is a second "Dark Ages" yet most people are too stupid to even realize this new reality. We are swimming in a sea of manipulation, corruption and lies, all amid an era when we have the most advanced, sophisticated technology, and still can't solve any real problems. From my perspective, it is an embarrassment to live in an age like this; when the criminal is the victim, and the victim is treated like a criminal.

  2. True. Your were also less bothered by the government back then, too. Which is why the modern world needs to be destroyed and we all need to go back to feudalism and kingdoms. All of modernity is evil.

  3. 2:14 I expect when you need life saving medical intervention you will also revert to blood letting?

  4. Peasants mostly worked when the sun was up. Night workers were mainly in the entertainment and lodging industry.

  5. 1:56 is the perfect example of why businesses don't want to come here. Another employee that is "smarter" than the people that started/own/run a business. We don't hire locals for this very reason.

    1. Yes precisely, with the brilliant business mind you possess imagine how many people we could brainwash or manipulate into believing they'll be fairly rewarded for their work. Profit is only for business people, after all, we know better. Just like big government. Gotta keep in control. Work will set you free, as long as you're not the one doing the work. If only we could teach employees to do dog tricks. That might be enough control. Right Peckerwood?


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