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Monday, May 21, 2018

The Pox of Multiculturalism

What the left calls "multiculturalism" is actually the systematic destruction of cultures and the replacement of these cultures by a synthetic, artificial, and meaningless global culture. When the left talks about "diversity," it really means the crushing of differences in thought, values, and art into a sort of baby food which neither nourishes the soul or elevates the mind.

This is because cultural differences are based on geography and exist in nations and regions rather than in the nonsensical "global" community. Indeed, there are cultural differences within most nations of any size that reflect the differences within parts of a nation.

Canada is a good example. Quebec decades ago insisted upon the preservation of the French language and with it French culture in that quarter of Canada. Scotland is likewise a nation within the United Kingdom that the English allowed to retain Scottish state religion; Scottish money; Scottish judicial systems; and, over the last few decades, an independent Scottish Parliament.

America includes the cultures of the South, the Midwest, the Rocky Mountains, and so on. People who live in those parts of America view "Washington" with about as much contempt as the Irish viewed London and the Ukrainians viewed Moscow. The centralization of power within large nations almost always means the imposition of an imperial culture upon regions that are closer to colonies than co-equal polities.


1 comment:

  1. Just like "diversity" too often means putting people in places they have no business being, just because they're different, not because they have a talent.


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