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Monday, May 21, 2018

Go Fund Me For An Ocean City Maryland Speeding Ticket, Ridiculous!

Hi Everyone, creating this to fight back the excessive ticketing in OCMD crusing meet this weekend. This money will be used to help out 10 people to aquire an attorney with the highest tickets amounts. I am working on getting a better rate with an attorney if we hire as a group. Instead of individual. So might be able to help out a few more people.

This event is about having fun, not funding OC. They clearly just care about the money. If this was a safety concern people would be losing their cars or getting arrested.

I was a victim myself of this stacking of tickets and will post my fines as well which totaled to $1800

Please post your tickets as I will be keeping track of others who are victims of this excessivness as well.

Hopefully we can reach our goal by the end of next week and can start the process of getting representation as quickly as possible.


  1. just dont speed

  2. TRUE IDIOT! Obey the laws and guess what, NO DAMN TICKETS AT ALL!!!!! Yes truly IDIOTS!

  3. 64 mph in a 30 mph? Reckless.

    What a joke. Lucky he doesn't get his license suspended.

  4. After reading the charges, pay the fines. You obviously need this spanking badly. 34 mph OVER the 30 mph speed limit?????

    Back where I come from, Illinois, anything over by 20 mph was called reckless driving and you lose your license!

    You got off easy, and certainly have enough money for blowers, headers, and HP equipment, so you have enough to pay the fines.

    You should have had your car impounded for a year and pay THAT storage fee!

  5. 64 mph in a 30 and you want us to feel sorry for you?!!

  6. These car freaks won't get a penny from me and hopefully from no one! Spend your own $$$ on a lawyer

  7. 34 miles an hour over the speed limit. Pay your own damn ticket.

  8. Seriously? You were more than doubling the speed limit and you think you're the victim??? Go to court. The judge will reduce your fine. Next time, don't speed.

    "If this was a safety concern people would be losing their cars or getting arrested" and then you'd be crying about that, too. SMH.

  9. I see Idiots contributing. IMO the real Idiots were the receivers of the tickets. If these individuals had not been breaking the law (that the majority follow) then these individuals would not have to pay a fine. It matters not if O C fines you $5 or $5000, each of these individuals broke a law and and owe the fine. Get over it.

    "Go fund Me" was not founded to pay Lawyers and fines for people who break the law. I have given to Go Fund Me in the past for those who have a real need, because of illness or a fire, and I chose to not bail out fools who chose to break the law.By the way, Lawyers don't come cheap so if by chance there is money left over, who gets it?

  10. Normally Go Fund me would reject this. They do not allow people to pay for Lawyer cost or legal assistance. I will report this to them.

  11. 64 in a 30, you should have been arrested. Don't break the law and you won't have this problem

  12. We all know OCPD don't always tell the truth when it comes to ticket's. But since none of you go there because of your SAFETY. LMAO.

  13. Regardless of anything, you broke the law. Why should we help pay for something that you did. There are speed limit signs for a reason. There are laws for a reason. You broke them so deal with it

  14. This is totally your own fault. Pay for your own stupidity. Why ask for handouts when you're the one who broke the laws that were clearly posted.

  15. Sorry I have other charities higher on my list....like kids with cancer !

  16. Lol. Dude you got those tickets literally minutes into the show because you think your shit doesn’t stink, but guess what? Obviously it does. $1800. That’s a bummer.

  17. Flag the GoFundMe.

  18. Troopers

    If the speed limit is 55 then I can do 110 and just get a ticket ?

  19. VICTIM ?
    The victim would have been a small child that stepped out in traffic while you are doing 61 in a 30 zone !!! Dirtbag.

    1. That would be jay walking also illegal

  20. How about the governor try this in Baltimore? Leave OC streets to the Mayor. Kiss Endless Summer goodbye, and every other event. Then all the businesses and the high rise hotels.

  21. Put a speed camera on the Rt 50 Bridge dragstrip for some additional revenue.

  22. um yeah 64 in a 30, too bad they couldn't have written you a bigger ticket, maybe revoke your liscense. i truly hope no one helps you pay any of this. loser

    1. Personally, I think if you can’t spell license correctly, you shouldn’t be allowed to have one.

  23. I always thought 20mph over was reckless. You got arrested and went before the commissioner. Maybe they changed the law?

    1. In some states, like VA, it is. It is not like that in MD.

  24. It's not as if drivers didn't have adequate warning about speed restrictions.

  25. I hope that your insurance agent reads this article.

  26. Didn't go to Ocean City, didn't get any tickets....lol

  27. OC wants your cash, just not you. Next year how about you stay home and just send the check?

  28. They do it in hopes that at least one if not all stick so you have to pay a lot of money...

  29. Reported. They can't use GoFundMe to try to defend themselves.

  30. Have a Camaro and was there Saturday and Sunday without a fine or ticket. Gee?

  31. Quit looking for free handouts

  32. Gofundme
    How about
    Go F Urself.com


  34. Well as of 7:15 pm no donations. This guy's picture is probably next to the word "chutzpah" in the dictionary.

  35. I’m willing to bet that you deserved it if you got 1800 in fines. Man up and stop whining snowflake

  36. You should be thankful you aren’t hiring a lawyer because they threw you in jail. Sorry, I don’t go to work every day and bust my ass to fund your wreckless behavior! Pay your damn fines and make better choices in life!

  37. 64 in a 30 zone, you totally deserve that ticket. I wish they would write tickets like that for tailgating and not lowering high beams.

  38. They NEED a lot of revenue to cover all those $100K+ salaries that they pay out.


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