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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sentencing of John Shipley


  1. What a scum....I hope those 15 years are in "general population" and the fellows in the "pokey" with him really make him feel welcome!!!

  2. Scumbag, put him in general population so the others can really make him feel welcome!


  3. To The Island with him.

  4. You do understand by looking at this man he will die in prison .... by own causes he won’t live to see 82 which is considered he gets good time ... he’s basically got a life sentence. But yes death would have been better however he does alone and suffers now...

  5. May 15, 2018 at 9:55 PM:

    You did read the posting, didn't you? It's 15 years active incarceration. That, plus his current age of 62, equals 77 years old upon release, unless he gets some "bad time" behind bars.

  6. Well, there's HIS retirement plan. 3 squares and a cot. Free medical care, and a social security check every month. Hell, other than his personal security, he has nothing to worry about for the rest of his life, unless it's outliving his sentence.


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