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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Breaking News: North Korea, in a surprise late-night call, postponed high-level talks with South Korea, objecting to the South's military drill with the U.S.

North Korea indefinitely postponed high-level talks with South Korea scheduled for Wednesday, citing a joint South Korean-United States air force drill, South Korean officials said.

Senior officials from the two Koreas had been scheduled to meet in the “truce village” of Panmunjom on their border on Wednesday to discuss putting in place an agreement to improve ties between the countries that their leaders signed in a meeting on April 27.


  1. The most logical thing Trump could do at this point would be to step up the scope and size of the drills to remind little fat boy (with the bad haircut) that he is not really in a strong position to negotiate.

  2. I guess rocket man stopped taking his medications again. We need to just nuke his a$$.

  3. Let's just hit him already.

  4. Aw, Fat Baby can't stand Trump hogging the spotlight. Personally, I think the spoiled NK baby is getting real nervous and apprehensive about the prospect of sitting down with a real world leader that has the power to make NK disappear. Kim is like the hog nose snake that will puff himself up and hiss and lash out to try and make you leave it alone. But smack him, and he will roll over and play dead.

  5. Kim is scared to death (yeah, death) of making a deal with Trump, that takes away his nukes, in return for a promise of SK style prosperity with the help of the largest economy in the world. Everyone knows, that with prosperity, the N Koreans will have little use for their "Dear Leader." Making a deal with Trump, with be the death of Kim and will end his family's despotic rule over his countrymen. Sure, he is looking for a way out now.


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