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Monday, May 21, 2018

Seaford: Home Invasion Investigation


Seaford police are investigating a weekend home invasion in which one of the suspects put a gun up to a 5-year-old girl's head.

The crime occurred around 2:45 a.m. Saturday in the Seaford Meadows Apt complex where a 23-year-old woman was upstairs, heard a commotion downstairs. A man wearing a mask and armed with a gun confronted the woman and demanded money before striking her in the head.

Another masked suspect grabbed the woman's 5-year-old daughter and brought her upstairs while holding a gun up to the child's head. The suspect told the mother, "Tell me where it [(the money) is or I will shoot her." The woman had no money to give to the suspects. The suspects then ransacked the home before fleeing.

The 23-year-old victim was treated by paramedics on the scene for severe trauma to her left eye and her daughter was not physically harmed.

There were at least two suspects involved in the home invasion. The suspects are believed to have been black males.

Anyone with information about the incidents or the suspects please contact Seaford Police Department at 302-629-6644.


  1. Must of thought she was dealing

  2. 6:23 thought, or, knew.

  3. Learn how to shoot sweetie.

  4. No description? Must be of the non-Caucasian persuasion.

    1. It was too.dark

      Could not see them



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