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Monday, May 21, 2018

Hillary Clinton says she's not over the 2016 election, pulls out Russian hat during Yale speech

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told graduating students at Yale University on Sunday she was still grappling with the results of the 2016 election.

"No, I’m not over it, I still think about the 2016 election, I still regret the mistakes I made,” Clinton said during an address as part of Yale University’s Class Day. “Today, as a person, I’m Okay. As an American, I’m concerned."

“This is a moment to reach across divides of race, class, and politics to try to see the world through the eyes of people very different from ourselves and to return to rational debate," she continued, speaking of "radical empathy" in the face of heightened partisanship and otherness.



  1. At least Palin had the grace to move on. STFU Hillary ! Go back under your rock.

  2. The biggest legacy Hillary leaves us is that she LOST the election. The only time she did win was when she was able to stack the cards. The rest of her career was simply being the wife of an ex President.

  3. "...simply being the wife of an ex President."

    No, she was a Wife In Name Only...in other words, a wino...in more ways than one.

  4. Ho hum, more whining from Her Failedness.

  5. If the hat fits!

  6. I suppose now after her speech Yale will welcome conservative speakers to speak on campus.


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