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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Nancy Pelosi challenged over her age days after 'slurring her words'

Nancy Pelosi has defended the role of older politicians after a being asked whether it was time to make way for younger people to run for office.

The issue of her age comes as she appeared to slur her speech while making garbled statements during a press conference with education union leaders.

The 78-year-old House Minority leader was challenged by Mary Pat Linnen at a CNNTown Hall over the fact that half the senators running for re-election this year are over 65 years old.



  1. Once she stumbles and breaks that hip, it'll be over shortly.

  2. The old hag didn't have much of a brain to begin with being a libtard, but now what's left of it is turning to mush

  3. Rich (not before they went to Congress, however) OLD white people telling the rest of us how to live.
    Revolution is coming faster than you think.

  4. I'm pretty sure Nancy is asking the BOSSES, Why do I have to keep doing this?
    When do I get to retire?

    Club Members do exactly as they are told to do.


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