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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Salisbury Baskin-Robbins Closing April 20th!


  1. Another old school business model that failed to adapt to the changing tastes and purchasing habits of today's customers.

  2. The sign on the door say the 13th.

  3. Due to the economy? Trump has been in office over a year. Huge tax cuts, more money in paychecks and he always get 2 scoops of ice cream for dessert. BR is not telling the truth.

    1. Probably caught robbing the IRS.

    2. Yes, the economy. If I had to guess it no one goes to this BR these days. I personally haven’t in years. There are just better ice cream stores in the area compare to here.

  4. 8:31 AM Really? I know a lot of people that go there. Our family included. Not sure where you are getting your information from. Maybe pulling it out of your .....

  5. Kmart has also evacuated and turned off their lights yesterday.

  6. I've always said I never understood how places like Cold Stone (and BR) stay in business, as you have $2000 a month rent, $500 a month electric, $100 a month phone/internet, $200 a month business insurances, plus paying 2 x $9/hr employees for 10 hours a day 7 days a week. That's a huge amount of overhead and how many $5 ice creams are you going to possibly sell in Salisbury.

    (and how many good Sunny days in Salisbury as well?)

  7. 8:31 AM The economy is not as rosy as the MSM would like you to believe.
    How do you propose they sell ice cream to adapt to changing tastes and purchasing habits? Your statement seems a bit ridiculous to me. It is ice cream and you have to sell it frozen.

  8. The sign says April 13

  9. Sears will probably be next!

  10. No it’s called the death of the shore...no company in their right mind would come here...

    1. That is so true. All the shore bullies always want to boycott anything decent.

  11. They had the worse customer service

  12. Too bad. Nice people, great product and always summer jobs for kids.

  13. Another business bites the dust in Salisbury. Making room for another Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese Reataurant???

    1. I would love a Vietnamese place to open. I don’t go to any of the fast food slop houses around here .

  14. Sorry to see them go.

  15. Stingy on their portion sizes. The one up North in Dunkin Donuts offers more ice cream.

  16. I agree with 831. BR ice cream is tasteless. I'll take Cold Stone, Dumser's, or best of all Island Creamery any day!

  17. I thought they were great. If the owner is reading this, please know that we will miss you, and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

  18. 9:23 Nobody in their right mind would even move here to live! Slimsbury is "Little Baltimore"

  19. 8:54 Sarcasm escapes you doesn't it. However, BR started in 1945 and until 30 years ago there were few choices even in the grocery store for ice cream. Today, there are 10-15 different brands of ice cream and many retail options of premium ice cream/frozen yogurt/water ice/craft ice creams. BR is not a brand anyone under 30 identifies with.

    FYI The economy is doing great in FL according to the roundtable Trump held Monday. The slower lower, not so much.

    1. Yep things in Florida with a true republican governor are just fine....five years out off the shore...best five years of my life...couldn’t have made a better choice. The shore while beautiful isn’t worth five minutes anymore...sadly.

  20. 9:55 Yep, you lazy white people being taken over by immigrants with a work ethic and desire to get ahead rather than drink beer and go fishing/hunting/using heroin.

  21. We need a real Asian restaurant to open, serving up traditional Asian foods; Dogs, Cats, River Rats.

  22. 9:55- Lol, that's what you think, huh? Yet, you people keep on birthing illigatimate crack babies, and buying watermelon with your ebt card. Yay, racism! That was my best effort in a very bigoted, right back at you. Neither of us are any better now, so why don't you keep your stupid comments to yourself.

    1. Lol. To what race is that referred to cause i definitely see that in both races. That right there is ignorance at its best. Lol

    2. I think you missed the point entirely. How does one bring racism to a thread about an ice cream? Only a racist would. That is ignorance at its best. Lol? What's so funny?

  23. Never been to Cold Stone or Island Creamery. Don't even know where they are. Doesn't Dumsers sell soft ice cream? I will miss BR.

    1. Island Creamery is in downtown Berlin. Worth the trip. Try their Bourbon Crunch. It's like a whiskey milkshake!

  24. The owner is a very cool guy.
    I enjoyed this business and love BR ice cream.

    I believe Dunkin will continue with BR because they sell a lot more than just ice cream.
    It is probably difficult to sell enough ICE CREAM to stay in business these days?

    Just a guess.

    I feel sorry for this guy and his family.
    Very nice people.

  25. 9:55,would like to know who finances them.

  26. The owners are very nice people,wish them well.

  27. 8:48 your spot on and that goes for all businesses who rent here.

  28. 6:50 Maybe the nursing home can get a trip together. You need to get out more. Kinda makes the point that the customer base for BR is dying off.

  29. The decision will extend thousands of diabetics lives.

  30. White people improve the economy it's a proven fact, The less of them the worse the economy...Just watch.

  31. Well let's see the recent tally:
    1. Gander - gone
    2. Kmart - gone
    3. Toys-R-Us - being uprooted as I write.
    4. Baskin-Robbins - more plywood or drapes.

    On a positive note - the window cardboard business should be flourishing in and around SBY.

    1. Rolly bolly
      Several at Gulf square. Hope Star Bucks is next

  32. Has anyone noticed the deplorable conditions for virtually all of the retail store parking lots in and around Salisbury?

    The pot holes are atrocious and even the State/County roadways are a disaster.

  33. To 9:13 Poster that said; 'Has anyone noticed the potholes . . '

    Responding: Yes, in case you didn't know these are key economic indicators of deteriorating infrastructure. Fact is the retailers are struggling to make it because of the lack of or low disposable incomes in our area.

    Then you have so-called economic know-it-alls, like the Greater Salisbury committee that is trying to raise all of the lower and middle income residents property taxes. What they should be doing is trying to offer some industrial incentives like real estate tax abatement's, elimination of burdensome regulations, lowering sales taxes and/or elimination thereof like in DE. Just go north of the State line into Delaware and look at the thriving metropolis.

    The problem is that we don't need more funding for K1-K12 education, but what we really need is more funding for re-education and using good old common moral business sense. Let's face it, the liberal leftist have failed and staked-up all their eggs on a collapsing straw.

  34. That's because GSC rep. Mike Dunn is an idiot.

  35. 4:19 Proven fact that neighborhoods with gays have higher home values, less trash and lower crime rates.

  36. Bourbon Crunch. Yep that about sums it up. You 5'5' round headed mouth breathing Shorebillies. That is the last thing I want is a whiskey milkshake. You ShoreTards are why the shore is dying. Inbreeds indeed. As for paying twice what BR charges if that is keeping up with the market no wonder you Snowflakes are failing. As for 6:14 why it gotta be watermelons lol. I heard half of Willards attempted suicide when Gander closed.

    1. And the flavorless ice milk of BR is the last thing I want, but to each their own! Sorry that you don't make enough to be able to afford quality delicacies like Island Creamery, but keep your chin up, pumpkin! I'm sure things will get better for you. Kisses!😙

    2. 11:09 look at you. All grown up and knowing everything thete is to know about everything. Here’s something no one taught you. You can have a conversation without name calling. Your mother did a terrible job of showing you what respect means. And lastly money don’t buy class soy boy.

  37. 11:09- When describing the racism and idiocy of others, a smarter person would utilize a more tactful approach. You've only succeeded in showing your own deep racist and bigoted views. Perfect fail. I am a proud "Shorebilly", as you so racistly put it. Whiskey milkshake? Never heard of such an abomination. Shoretards? You really shouldn't precede comments about inbreeding if you like using disparaging slang for true mentally disabled people. Gander was overpriced. Any respectable "Shorebilly" knows where to find anything Gander sold and likely at 25% less. There was no point to your rant other than to spew some Sunday morning visual diarrhea. That's all you have to offer for the world, Sad Sack.

  38. 11:09 Off you meds? Trying to go after everyone in one rant. FYI, I like Chunky Monkey ice cream - reminds me of shift change at McDonalds.

  39. 12:58 Never heard of bourbon ice cream? You don't get out much do you? Well, maybe you get out but don't or can't read. Google it. There is a whole big world out there beyond the bay bridge.

  40. I liked Baskin Robbins' World Class Chocolate ice cream. It was a combination of white & dark chocolate & was very creamy!

  41. Baskins Robbins ice cream was very very good ! I ate it for many many years ! ..I tried several flavors . The workers there were ALWAYS kind and efficient ! Sorry to see them leave ..good luck to the owners !

  42. Hate to see BR go how in the heck did race get into this thread lol. I guess that is what you get from a bunch of mouth breathers. The only good thing about Salisbury is that you get to leave it behind when driving back across the bridge. The family trees in Wicomico county have only one limb.

  43. 9:37 Exactly. For many many years. Just like Sears, its time has come and gone.


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