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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Professor Accused of Racism for Telling Student Not To Write N-Word

You can never satisfy the perpetually offended. When you embrace the idea that anyone who disagrees with you is evil, it's just a matter of time before you start eating your own.

Pomona College theater professor Rose Portillo is reportedly being accused of racism by a snowflake student -- and the student has taken the outrageous step of plastering posters all over campus to name and shame the professor. Of course, the incident had nothing to do with racism, just outrage culture.

Will the student's bullying work instead? Here's what the poster reads, per Campus Reform:

"On Tuesday, April 17th, I was organizing song cues for one of Pomona College’ Theatre Department’s upcoming productions. My professor Rose Portillo [emphasis in original] walked up to me in class and said: ‘Nothing with nigga in it.’ I said ‘don’t say that.’ She replied ‘I’m saying it.’”

The student concludes the poster by stating “That’s racist.”



  1. Big deal....society needs to get over this crap and get a grip. I probably offend someone each day without knowing or meaning it. Too much more to be concerned with. I'm sick of this mess drawing media attention so often.

  2. That is what they are!

  3. Snowflakes with huge increasing debt will be future leaders of this country.


  4. Who would go in debt to get a degree in Theater?
    What a waste of time, energy and money.


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