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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

NY Times Reporter: Male Hillary Clinton Staffers Regularly Made Sexist Comments

In an upcoming book, New York Timesreporter Amy Chozick relays multiple examples of sexism she faced while covering the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign.

While Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling will not be available until April 24, a Washington Post review shares some of Chozick's revelations and even outs one of the accused male staffers by name.

The Post‘s Carlos Lozada relays that while Chozick refers to Clinton's female staffers by name in the book, she refers to Clinton's male press staffers anonymously as "The Guys," giving them nicknames like Brown Loafers Guy, Policy Guy, and Original Guy, the worst of the bunch.

"The Guys constantly mess with Chozick, magnifying her self-doubts," Lozada writes. "‘I don’t care what you write because no one takes you seriously,' Outsider Guy says. They suggest that a Times colleague is leaking her story ideas to a competitor at Politico and that more-experienced reporters in her newsroom will steal away her assignment."


1 comment:

  1. I worked in an office like that. Guys were so cruel. Just ignored them. But in today's time and looking back I should have done something.


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