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Saturday, April 21, 2018

News in Numbers

Between $8.4 billion and $13.5 billion

APRIL 20, 2018
Estimate of annual online sales tax revenue that states are missing out on because the federal government bans them from collecting it. The Supreme Court heard a case this week that challenges that ban, but some of the justices raised concerns about ending it.
Source: Governing


APRIL 19, 2018
State funding the Tennessee House revoked this week from the city of Memphis as punishment for removing Confederate monuments last year.
Source: the Tennessean


APRIL 18, 2018
Chicago police officers who have bought homes in high-crime parts of the South and West sides since the mayor revived a program six months ago that offers them $30,000 loans to do so. If they live there for a decade, they don't have to repay the loan.

3 states

APRIL 17, 2018
What California would be divided into if voters approve a proposed ballot measure. Supporters say they have collected enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot.

$1.4 trillion

APRIL 16, 2018
Funding deficit for state public pension systems in fiscal 2016, which is a record high and a nearly $300 billion increase from 2015.
Source: Reuters


APRIL 13, 2018
Increase in homeownership among black Americans since the Fair Housing Act was signed 50 years ago. Housing advocates say progress has been slow because of the federal government's varied enforcement of the law over the years.
Source: Governing


APRIL 12, 2018
Year the Equal Rights Amendment was introduced in Congress. Almost half a century later, it's still not in the U.S. Constitution because at least two more states still need to ratify it. On Tuesday, which was Equal Pay Day, Republicans in the Arizona Legislature blocked an attempt to debate the gender equality amendment.

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