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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Daily Government Quotes

I am still waiting for someone to produce pieces of the planes that opened the doors for US Citizens to lose all privacy rights (from the conspiracy theorist in me).

APRIL 19, 2018
Charlotte, N.C, City Councilmember LaWana Mayfield, in a Facebook post sharing an article from Awarenessact.com titled "European Scientific Journal Concludes 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition." Her comments have sparked a nationwide backlash and led to calls for her resignation.

I guarantee you somewhere in Kentucky today a child was sexually assaulted that was left at home because there was nobody there to watch them.

APRIL 18, 2018
Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, when asked about teachers leaving school to protest at the statehouse. He has since apologized after lawmakers from both parties condemned his comments.

Philly is superficially progressive. We want to be better but we are unwilling as a community to do the tough work in reconciliation of our past.

APRIL 17, 2018
Erica Atwood, former executive director of the Philadelphia Police Advisory Commission, after two black men were arrested for refusing to leave a Starbucks where they were waiting to meet a friend. The incident attracted national attention and set off protests outside the store.

When a deputy shoots somebody, which way is better financially? To cripple them or kill them? Absolutely [to kill them].

APRIL 16, 2018
Sheriff Donny Youngblood of Kern County, Calif., caught on a recently released 2006 tape talking to a union of jail employees. In 2015, The Guardian found that the county had the nation's highest per capita rate of killings by police officers. He is up for reelection this year.

I understand I may lose support over the decision to sign these bills today, but those are consequences I am prepared to live with.

APRIL 13, 2018
Vermont GOP Gov. Phil Scott, as he signed gun control bills on Wednesday -- in front of an angry crowd -- after campaigning against more firearm regulations. He says his stance changed earlier this year when authorities stopped a teenager's plan for a school shooting in the state.

When you go back and forth every eight years about whether you are going to enforce the [Fair Housing Act] or how you are going to fund HUD, of course you are not going to make any progress.

APRIL 12, 2018
Kate Scott, deputy director of the Equal Rights Center. In the 50 years since the law was signed, homeownership among African-Americans -- one of the Fair Housing Act's goals -- has increased just .1 percent.
Source: Governing

Women are told they are not worth as much as men. Allowing prior salary to justify a wage differential perpetuates this message.

APRIL 11, 2018
Federal Judge Stephen Reinhardt, who died last month. Before his death, he wrote this court opinion -- revealed this week -- in which he ruled that employers can't consider salary histories when deciding pay.

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