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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Former Black Panther Chairman: 'Hand Over the State of Florida'

WASHINGTON – Malik Shabazz, former chairman of the New Black Panther Party and president of Black Lawyers for Justice, called on President Trump to provide reparations for slavery or designate territory solely for African-Americans.

“We must have reparations, full compensation for the theft of our land, the theft of our bodies, the theft of our people from Africa, the theft of our dignity; the desecration of our souls decade after decade after decade after decade. As I said, we don’t want your food stamps. We don’t want no government handout. We don’t want to be trying to fix up some paperwork so I can get Social Security. We want our own. Donald Trump, you don’t want us? You don’t want to be around us? Hot dammit, I don’t want to be around you,” Shabazz said during a “Save Our Sons: Stop the Killing” and "Condemn Donald Trump" National Black Men’s Convention march and rally outside of the White House on Saturday organized by the National Black Men’s Movement.



  1. I say stop the thuggery.

  2. give them California

  3. Yet another long-time race baiter, SMH.

  4. There are no words to describe this level of ignorance!

  5. Just another race baiter. He is making millions pandering while promoting victimhood.

  6. I still say Mississippi.

  7. Come get it Fool.

  8. Give them Liberal California!

  9. Free tickets back home to Ebola Land. Come get them!

  10. how about paying your child support!


  11. No problem. One way ticket back to continent of his choice. Given that he's a self-styled leader, let's make it First Class.


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