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Thursday, April 26, 2018

13 semi-trucks line roadway to help man considering suicide

DETROIT, MI (WCMH) -- A photo shared by Detroit police has people talking after it shows a row of semi-trucks lining a roadway to help a suicidal man.

According to WDIV, the Michigan State Police reported a suicidal man threatened to jump from the I-696 overpass early Tuesday morning.

That’s when police began asking semi-truck drivers to pull under the bridge to shorten the man’s fall, should he jump, according to WJBK.

Thankfully the man didn’t jump, but a photo of the trucks lined up has gone viral after it was tweeted by the Michigan State Police.



  1. IF they didn't attack or shoot the man in the end, this is a good ting the cops did... SBY cops and every other departments could stand a lesson from this.... This is how you protect and serve...

  2. Would be better if thees trucks blocked the border invasion of the caravan .


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