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Monday, April 23, 2018

First wave of migrant caravan hits the US border as some 50 members request asylum in California

The first wave of the migrant caravan has hit the US border, with a group of about 50 seeking asylum at the Tijuana crossing into California.

The group of 50 Central American migrants who set out from southern Mexico in late March arrived in Tijuana, Mexico on Wednesday, after splintering off from the original caravan of 1,500.

'Since yesterday, some began to cross into the United States to turn themselves in from Tijuana and request asylum. We understand more of (the migrants) will do the same,' said Jose Maria Garcia, director of Juventud 2000, an organization dedicated to assisting migrants.

He said more migrants, many of whom are stranded in Mexico's central states, are expected to arrive in the coming days.

The splinter groups headed toward the US have been undeterred by President Donald Trump's threat to deploy the National Guard along the border, after Trump called California's contribution to the mission a 'charade'.



  1. They bring their violence here, turn them around! They have been coached to say this like the DMV coaches them here in the Socialist State of Md.

  2. Arrest them and make them build a wall.

  3. Send them to the gov house and Maxine waters.

  4. Asylum has to be requested in first Country the enter. Not the one they want. If not then they have to seek asylum in the US embassy in their home Country. This just shows ignorance of International Law. Do not allow entry to the US. It is justified.


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