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Monday, April 23, 2018

Democrat Says He's ‘Done Apologizing’ For His Anti-Semitic Remarks And Actions

On Saturday, Washington, D.C. Councilman Trayon White (D-Ward 8) said in a video that he's “done apologizing” for his anti-Semitic beliefs after numerous reports have surfaced over the last several weeks.

“It’s definitely been a learning experience for me, but I’ve said my apologies, and I’m done with that.” White said in the video, which was in response to reports that he left the Holocaust Museum early during a tour on Wednesday. “I’m done apologizing about that. I was sincere.”



  1. He needs to be Recalled.

  2. Paid for by G Soros.

  3. You only hear outrage of antisemitism but not a word when the 100 percent media owned by Jewish people continually attack white Christians and portray black people as criminals.

  4. Wonder if he has any racist beliefs?... against blacks, perhaps?


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