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Saturday, April 07, 2018

Citizen's Righteous Rant Defending 2nd Amendment Goes Viral

A North Carolina gun rights advocate gave an impassioned speech defending the Second Amendment earlier this week, and the video of his speech quickly went viral. His passion was especially impressive considering the Greensboro resident isn't even a gun owner.

Mark Robinson's unplanned and unscripted comments came during a city council meeting Tuesday evening, where residents were debating whether a gun show should be canceled in the wake of the Parkland high school massacre. Although he does not currently own a firearm, Robinson passionately supports the rights of others to bear arms.

"I've heard a whole lot of people in here talking tonight about this group and that group, domestic violence and blacks, this minority and that minority," Robinson began. "What I want to know is -- when are you all gonna start standing up for the majority? Here's who the majority is -- I'm the majority! I'm a law-abiding citizen who's never shot anybody. I've never committed a serious crime -- never committed a felony," he added.



  1. Excellent speech and point on. Needs to rally some more law-abiding citizens to stand with him.

  2. Mr. Robinson states he didn't have a speech prepared. Well he did mighty fine without one. I agree with him 100% and also noticed how professional the meeting ran. Not one person cut him off or bullied him with a time limit. You know, like we are used to with our inexperienced city. I don't mean just because you have been in city politics for year's, doesn't mean you are experienced. Take note Salisbury GOB.

  3. Would like to see FOX have this man on. Thank you Mr. Robinson


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