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Saturday, April 07, 2018

A Viewer Writes: WBOC Calls TCBY, "Toby"

At about 1:30 in is where the reporter says "Toby" frozen yogurt, with the sign TCBY right in front of him!

GO HERE to view.


  1. Are talking heads regularly drug tested?

  2. I thought I heard that right. And these are the people that most dumb Americans get their information from and they believe it like it was the gospel.

  3. What do you expect? They can’t even read and you think they are goin to tell you the truth.

  4. Many of their anchors can't seem to read the teleprompter or script in front of them. Paul Butler was my favorite flubber, LOL!

  5. Those who live in glass houses must not throw stones.

  6. A lot to do about nothing

  7. The young guy with black hair keeps flubbing, and squinting like he can't see the teleprompter.. time for large print wboc..or get a person who can spell to put the words in.

  8. Spend 5 minutes watching WBOC this Sunday night. You will see the most illiterate piece of eye candy to ever read the news.


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