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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Baltimore Mayor Tries To Singlehandedly Solve Crime Wave By Suggesting Stores Close Early

Baltimore recently instituted a "violence reduction initiative" amid a sharp increase in homicides, and this week, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh did a walk-through in some of the affected neighborhoods, doling out anti-violence advice of her own.

According to the Baltimore Sun, Pugh suggested that, to combat loitering and gang violence, local grocery stories might consider shutting their doors a little earlier.

“What time do you-all close?” the mayor reportedly asked one man at a local shop.

“11:30,” the man replied, according to the Sun.



  1. But but governor hogan is passing a bill to stop puppy mills the hell with the war going on in Baltimore city streets

  2. Many will close altogether, then they will complain that their minority neighborhood is underserved.

  3. Baltimore is so far gone anything short of a full lock down military style policing will not work.

  4. Maybe they should all close permanently and get the heck out of Baltimore.
    Is that early enough, madam Mayor???

  5. Says the mayor with huge salary, paid vacations, pension and retirement along with free healthcare ( not to mention favors) to business owners who have to earn theirs !

  6. Genius! If you don't want to get robbed just close your store. The fine people who live in these affected areas wonder why no one will invest in their neighborHOODS.

  7. She has to be joking! If the stores close early, thugs will just break in and take what they want.

  8. Really simple to stop crime, pass a city ord. that allows concealed carry for merchants.

  9. At some point we ALL as a society will have to make a choice to make a stand and protect our freedoms and country. Out streets are literally a battle ground in a lot of inner cities

  10. Salisbury should do the same.

  11. Mayor Jake day Salisbury MD.
    Crime cover up king

  12. BINGO 12:38. ADD ARMED CITIZENS TO THAT LIST PROBLEM WILL BE SOLVED!!! Since the politicians cops and courts are NOT DOING THIER JOBS let we the people take out the trash. Appears they are only concerned with making law abiding citizens the criminals when we do fight back with guns. F ing idiots

  13. No all night anything. Just keep driving.


  14. Guess her dishonor won't be showing up to any O's or Ravens games in the evening. What a wise woman the citizens of Harm City chose.

    Next she'll be touting free bikes, free pizza and roundabouts every other street.

  15. The Baltimore thunderdome. It’s seriously mad max up there. It is a testament to Black self rule and Democrat Control.


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