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Monday, March 05, 2018

Russian TV Exposes Rothschilds & Educates Citizens on New World Order

Russia’s TV networks are educating people about the Rothschilds and the threat of their excessive global power.Russian president Vladimir Putin is said to be “readying” his people to stand up to the New World Order as the country prepares to separate from the world banking system.TV shows aim to educate citizens on the history of the Rothschild-controlled IMF and why globalism is a threat to the nation.It’s a stark contrast to the West where the mainstream media is constantly shoveling propaganda down the throats of the public.No wonder the Western MSM is so keen to demonize Russia…Zero Hedge reports: Putin is readying his people to divorce from the international banking system altogether, and start over with a nationalistic platform, backed by thousands of tons of gold, and growing alliances with Europe, China and the BRICS nations, the Middle East and several emerging powers…Watch more below and click in the link!!!

Full Text & Video


  1. you would be surprised of how many that live in this country that have absolutely no idea about the Rothchild's or the NWO or the North American Union. Or Agenda 21. Most don't pay enough attention to what is going on around them nor the world.

  2. Russia is correct. America is a puppet. This is why Trump is our only hope. Stop the new world order.

  3. Exactly..read hidden dangers of the rainbow and dark majesty to start. These books will open your eyes to this and its connection to new age organazations, religions that are all part of the NWOs satanic agenda

  4. Exactly..read hidden dangers of the rainbow and dark majesty to start. These books will open your eyes to this and its connection to new age organazations, religions that are all part of the NWOs satanic agenda

  5. I totally agree. The New World Order concept is not good for the United States.

  6. Great comments so far...

  7. Oh boy the next war is on the horizon and who do you think the banking cartel will get to do the fighting?


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