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Monday, March 05, 2018

Amazon earned $5.6B in 2017, but paid no federal taxes

Jeff Bezos’ sprawling e-commerce giant Amazon reportedly raked in more than $5.6 billion in U.S. profits in 2017, but despite that, the company essentially paid $0 in federal income taxes.

That’s largely attributable to “excess stock-based compensation deductions” and the effect of the 2017 Tax Act, according to the company’s U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing earlier this month. In other words, Amazon was able to leverage the tax credits and breaks to zero out taxes it owed this year, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economy Policy (ITEP), a non-partisan think tank.



  1. Less taxes,more hiring.

  2. So what?
    Nobody can blame the company for taking advantage of ALL legal means to reduce (or not pay) taxes.
    Let me ask anyone that has a problem with this if they wouldn't also take advantage of loopholes to reduce taxes.
    "Don't blame the playa - blame the game."

  3. They use the same roads; schools that people who actually pay taxes. In fact the roads even more (logistics). A small percentage of Amazon taxes would help with infrastructure. I'm sure the stock holders are happy - new yaught!

  4. And,now they expect us (tax-payer)to bank with this company. NOT.

  5. So what? If they had paid taxes it could reduce the deficit and reduce the amount of taxes paid by the working people. Trump won't release his taxes because he pays next to nothing too.

  6. 25% of that would be over 1 billion in tax revenue to the government.

  7. This is what is Wrong in this damn country !!!

    Us hard working, Poor, Middle class & below suffer ,paying
    All the damn Taxes while these damn companys worth Billions
    Pay NONE !!!

    Makes my blood Boil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Should be >> We Pay NONE >> they pay ALL the taxes !!!!

  8. And Berkshire Hathaway just got a 20 billion dollar tax decrease

  9. Yes we can blame Amazon for not paying any federal income taxes. They don't have to take any tax advantages if they don't want. Anyone can even pay more in taxes then they owe if they want to. The reason we can blama Amazon is because they are real good at saying others as in the middle class needs to pay for taxes and are all for coming up with new fees the middle class has to pay but don't walk the walk themselves. d.

  10. We will always be POOR because we will Never make up for
    giving our income up to TAXES >> FACT

    No company could make it if it were forced to pay the taxes
    that WE poor middle class on down Pay from what megar
    Crumbs we have for income from Jobs !!

    We need ALL our income + alot more .........FACT !!

    In America we are Literally TAXED TO DEATH !!!

  11. Individuals / Employees should pay Zero taxes & the
    Rich & mighty companys & Rich individuals should pay ALL taxes

    Simple FIX America !!! call Trump ....get Err Done !!

  12. Amazon (and Google, Facebook, Twitter) are all part of the intelligence system of international banking.

  13. Oprah & Clinton probably pay zero too !!!


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