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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Report: Trump to Unveil Massive 'Package of Tariffs' Against China

President Trump is expected to unveil a massive “package of tariffs” against China in the coming weeks, multiple sources close to the White House told Politico.

Trump is seeking “steep” tariffs against China for their alleged stealing of intellectual property and dumping of cheap, imported goods in the U.S., sources claim. In a meeting at the White House, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer showed Trump a “package of tariffs,” but the populist president demanded the tariffs be even steeper.

Politico reports:

During the meeting, which hasn’t been previously been reported, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer presented Trump with a package of tariffs that would target the equivalent of $30 billion a year in Chinese imports. In response, Trump urged Lighthizer to aim for an even bigger number – and he instructed administration officials to be ready for a formal announcement in the coming weeks, according to two people involved in the administration’s trade deliberations. [Emphasis added]

That sent senior officials at the White House, Treasury Department, State Department, Justice Department, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and other keyagencies scrambling this week to finalize the proposal. While the details were still in flux, aides said the administration is considering tariffs on more than 100 Chinese products ranging from electronics and telecommunications equipment to furniture and toys. [Emphasis added]

Sources with Reuters say Trump is eyeing tariffs on China that would hit at least $60 billion worth of their annual cheap, imported goods in the U.S.



  1. All of this because you buffoons can't seem to understand that China is not "taking" your jobs. Technology is. This is what happens when you have people with no knowledge of how things work and not motivation to actually listen to the facts take the helm.

  2. About time a U.S. President stands up for Americans. Now to rid ourselves of sellout senators and congressmen. Then abolish ALL lobbies in Washington D.C. and elsewhere. Then connect the dots between anti American and the word Democrat. That would be a great start. Boy am I glad to have Donald Trump as my president. He stands up for America, not for foreign countries.
    "America First"

  3. All Smoke & Mirrors !!! Make our companys Come Back !!!

  4. 1055 it seems your bafoonish comment is because your to yng to realize or remember how each greedy politician took turns selling off of our markets our jobs to foreign country's, what they couldnt make a back room deal on they taxed it out of existence. Certainly there is some degree of knowledgeably gap now tho....should we just lay down/fold? Same exact thing has happened to this town, county and all of MD, greedy corrupt politicians and their destruction.

    1. Could have swore if you believe in freedom of chkice, then as owmer of a company it is my choice where i want to manufacture. Look who is boo hooing and melting down wanting some bog government intervention now

  5. The Govt here holds the cards >>>>
    If your company wants to Do Business here in America
    It must BE here in America .... & Hire American, Easy Fix !!

  6. "...tariffs on China that would hit at least $60 billion worth of their annual cheap, imported goods in the U.S."

    Just fine as long as we're all willing to pay the higher prices on household goods that will be the result.

    Better buy that new flat screen TV this week. The price will soon double.

  7. We can't compete with SLAVE LABOR
    That is what China knows !!! Other countries too know

    That is why they are Cheaper than goods here ! Exactly

  8. Walmart must be lawyering up.

  9. Massive Package? are they talking about what Ms. Daniels said about Trump?

  10. Walmart uses Slaves according to Tv News documentary !!!
    They are in China !!


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