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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

History of the Confederate flags created before the Southern Cross

Capturing a Confederate battle flag during the Civil War was considered an act of valor with Union soldiers being granted furloughs and awarded Medals of Honor. To qualify, Union soldiers sent the captured flags to the War Department and later on to officials in Washington, D.C. where they were kept in storage until Congress passed an act in 1905 - decades after the war ended - to have them returned to the states of the units that carried them.

So many different variations of Confederate battle flags were created before the Southern Cross became widely accepted as the symbol in 1862, that 279 of them went unidentified and were sent to what was then the Confederate Museum in Richmond, Virginia. Today, it's known as The American Civil War Museum and has more than 820 variations of Confederate and Union national, state, presentation, company and regimental battle flags, making it the largest collection in the United States.

'There's a huge variety of flags that were used in the South during the war and most people don't know that,' Robert Hancock, the Senior Curator & Director of Collections at The American Civil War Museum, told DailyMail.com. 'There was everything from Confederate state flags, the battle flags we're familiar with, and hundreds of flags that most people are not familiar with and have never seen those patterns.'



  1. Don't speak too Loud , they will all be Removed , like the
    Statues !!!

  2. Its truly sad that the "children" both nationally and locally that want these monuments taken down aren't smart enough to study the entire history of the civil war. They refuse to report about all the people that actually helped their "slaves" gain freedom

  3. Many Died in the Civil War & Most were White >>> Fact

    To FREE the slaves , How soon they Forget today !!

    Those today, are lucky that the slaves, once Freed, were
    not Sent Back to Africa back then , or those today, would
    not even still be here to complain !!

  4. There also were Many Slaves Long Long before the Southern
    Cross ....
    Many White Slaves too along with all the others in the world
    Not just Black ones
    Who was the First slaves ?? NoOne can claim they were the
    First or Only group to be one !!

    Stop the Hate Today , we today were NOT a Slave , we were
    Not Born Yet , so why Hate each other over Slavery ????

    Just treat each other Right today & all will be Fine !!!

  5. Biggest Mistake made by Lincoln ...did not send them Back !

    1. Have to agree 100%!! Things would be so much better on all

  6. I truly don't understand with what's going on in Africa today and if things are so bad for them here in the states why they wouldn't be migrating back

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Many Died in the Civil War & Most were White >>> Fact

    To FREE the slaves , How soon they Forget today !!

    Those today, are lucky that the slaves, once Freed, were
    not Sent Back to Africa back then , or those today, would
    not even still be here to complain !!

    March 14, 2018 at 11:54 AM

    "once Freed, were
    not Sent Back to Africa back then"

    Americas biggest mistake was bringing them to this country. The second biggest mistake was not sending them back to Africa. Damn, we F'd up!

  8. They were so stupid , not to send them all Back, it should
    have been done , Right after the war ended !!!
    It has Ruined America from that day forward, letting them
    stay to only HATE us forever & do all they can to Ruin
    the country..........Our Country !!!

    Worse, was when Affirmative Action was passed , to Allow
    Whites to be Discriminated against !!!

  9. Their Own kind sold them as slaves they Forget !!
    And still, it goes on in Africa today , so they Really
    don't wish they were there . They have it so Good here !!

    Wine, Complain , Hate , Plunder America , Taking it Over !!


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