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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Police: Teen stabbing suspect converted to Islam, held on murder charge

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (WPEC) - Investigators said the 17-year-old accused of killing a 13-year-old boy, and stabbing a mother and her teen son at a home in Palm Beach Gardens, had been the focus of an FBI bulletin due to reports about his violent tendencies. Police say he converted to Islam, watched violent videos online and admitted to the stabbings due to his religious beliefs.

Police identified the suspect as 17-year-old Corey Johnson of Jupiter.

Investigators said Johnson confessed to the stabbings because of his Muslim faith. Johnson once attended Dwyer High School before being withdrawn, police said.



  1. See, more proof that Muslims are dangerous and should be closely watched and monitored.

    President Trump needs to do like Pres. Lincoln did when he had crooked Judges go against him, arrest them and put them in jail!

    We need to ban all Muslims from entering this country, we already have too many here and they'er trying to kill us!

  2. He should get life without parole or a death sentence, but it won't happen.He will be tried as a juvenile and out in about 5 years. Shame.

  3. March 14, 2018 9:51am

    Agree 100%!

  4. Where is the outcry for banning and restricting knives like there is when someone uses a gun? Talk to me hypocrites.

  5. 951, maybe we should also ban white men since I recall it was a white man that shot 9 people dead in the church down in Charleston. I also guess you do not consult your U.S. Constitution all that much.

    1. Isn't it black on black violence that makes Chicago, Baltimore and D.C. have the worst homicide rates in the nation?

  6. @11:00
    Are you African American?

  7. muslims are termites chewing away at civilized societies.

  8. 11:00
    One does not CONSULT the Constitution. You consult with a person not a thing.


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