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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Breaking News: The U.K. is expelling 23 Russian diplomats over the poisoning of a former spy on British soil, in a sharp escalation with Moscow

Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain expelled 23 Russian diplomats on Wednesday, among a raft of measures, blaming Moscow for the poisoning of a former Russian spy and sharply escalating the dispute between the two countries.

Her statement to Parliament came after Moscow rejected a British deadline for Russia to explain itself over this month’s nerve-agent attack on the former spy, Sergei V. Skripal, and his daughter.


  1. Send them to the Clinton's for coffee and cookies, and let them bring them!

  2. Boy that'll teach em a lesson!

  3. Boy , accomplishing NOTHING !!! Russia is Laughing !!!

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! They are Not scared !!!

    They knock people off All the time , get in Line !!!

  4. Trump has sanctioned Stormy Daniels more than the Russians

  5. spys are Fair game & knocked off all the time
    Just does not make the news !!!
    How many did Brits knock off latley ??

  6. Theresa May is an Idiot
    Putin could care less what she has to say !!

  7. Just part of the "Sparrow" training !

  8. I would hope our president will start doing this.

  9. Our Govt knocks off spies too , just not in the news !!!


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