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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Pittsville Elementary & Middle Principal Put Out This Statement Yesterday

"Hello Pittsville parents. This is Principal Michael Cody with a school safety announcement. We are investigating alleged comments today that were reported to be of a threatening nature. A student shared information about these alleged comments with school staff.
Please know that we place the highest priority on school safety, and know that we are conducting a thorough investigation with the support of school safety personnel. We are continuing with our day of instruction, and we encourage you to allow your student to remain at school. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you as always for your support."


  1. Put needed Police in All schools
    There are plenty to get, by taking them off Radar duty
    Priority should be Schools / Not traffic tickets !!

    Costs no more $$$ / No hiring needed = Solved !!

  2. I want to thank Tonya Lewis and Joe Albero for putting this information out and demanding a S.R.O be placed at Pittsville School. Tonya you definently have the politicians and the school boards attention.

  3. Why the delay on getting this statement out Principal Cody ? Did you have to get it cleared by your Obama approved BOE ?

  4. Why aren't the kids in NYC protesting the idiot mayor da blasio he just Removed ALL POLICE From the schools ?

  5. I am really thinking hard about either sending my kids to a private school or home schooling the Dems are now trying to brainwash kids in kindergarden and middle and high schools.

  6. Hey Principal Cody if you care about the kids why don't you properly Alert parents when threats are made ? But when there is 1" of snow we get Alerts at 530 am in the morning the BOE is a Liberal Disgrace .

  7. no worries the wico boe is gonna do a study of the schools.

  8. Any little bastard that cuts class should get weekends detentions.

  9. Hey Joe,

    you forgot the second part of the letter. You know, the part that says, "Dear Parents, we are training your children in public schools to be good little Marxist commies and useful idiots, so that they will always vote democrat"

    Wait? What? Oh, sorry, that was the school superintendent that said that.


  10. Anonymous said...
    Put needed Police in All schools
    There are plenty to get, by taking them off Radar duty
    Priority should be Schools / Not traffic tickets !!

    Costs no more $$$ / No hiring needed = Solved !!
    March 14, 2018 at 12:20 PM

    And give up all that "public safety"? (revenue)

    BTW, have any of you ever noticed that speeding seems to be the number one, (and only one) of traffic laws enforced?

    Tailgating, failure to keep right of center, impeding the flow of traffic, unsafe lane changes, failing to maintain lane, and a host of other "safety" issues are ignored by law enforcement and even committed by some members of same?

    Laws are only enforced if there is $$ attached.

    1. And hopefully 500 dollars for being on the phone will get some of the rest of the road. Wished it was 5000 dollars


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