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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Dems are angry over Hillary Clinton’s latest comments

Democrats are angry that Hillary Clinton continues to discuss what went wrong during the 2016 presidential election against President Trump.

Even some of Clinton’s own former aides and surrogates say the former Democratic presidential nominee should back away from the discussion about her failed campaign because it’s harmful to the party.

During a conference in India this weekend, Clinton called states that supported her in the election more economically advanced than the states that backed Trump.

The remarks reminded many of the former secretary of State’s comments in 2016 that some of Trump’s supporters fit in a “basket of deplorables,” a line the Republican then used against her repeatedly during the final stretch of the campaign.

She also insinuated that women who voted for Trump were motivated by “ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”



  1. She got hers when the whole world was shown her almost falling down. Too bad she didn't fall and bust that smelly fat ass of hers up but good. God is giving her a warning. Next time He won't be so good to her and she deserves anything bad that happens to her as do the trash that voted for her.

  2. Let her keep talking ....& Bury herself Deeper !!!

  3. That woman is delusional.


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