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Monday, March 05, 2018

Md. Attorney General Frosh defends Hillary Clinton lawyers against state-bar complaint

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh’s office offered a new explanation Friday for why the state has refused to pursue a bar complaint against Hillary Clinton’s lawyers over their role in deleting her emails: They changed the rules.

Mr. Frosh’s office said a rules change last year — after the complaint was filed against David E. Kendall, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson — gives them permission to ignore a complaint brought by Ty Clevenger, a crusading lawyer who says he’s being stonewalled because of politics.

The case has taken a number of twists, with bar counsel, charged with reviewing lawyer complaints, initially saying Mr. Clevenger wasn’t aggrieved — though the rules at the time didn’t require that proof. Then, at a state circuit court hearing, the attorney general’s office called Mr. Clevenger’s complaint “frivolous.”

Now, in oral argument at Maryland’s highest court Friday, state lawyers said a rules change that had been in place before the circuit hearing — but which they forgot about at the time — gives them permission to refuse to investigate any complaints from people who don’t have personal knowledge.

In this case, they said, Mr. Clevenger is getting his information from press reports, which they said is no longer enough to force a probe.

“The reason for denying the complaint here is he had no personal knowledge,” said Michele J. McDonald, who argued the case for Mr. Frosh, a Democrat, and the state bar.



  1. This is why we elected President Trump, these leftist government lawyers are like snakes--example

    (Now, in oral argument at Maryland’s highest court Friday, state lawyers said a rules change that had been in place before the circuit hearing — but which they forgot about at the time — gives them permission to refuse to investigate any complaints from people who don’t have personal knowledge.)

    Yeah right!! This is why no one has any respect for Md state government !

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 5, 2018 at 3:22 PM

    So Frosh will defend Clinton & her band of crooked lawyers, but will attack and file law suits against President Trump any time he feels like it, on the backs of Maryland Taxpayers, of course. When will the Maryland voters wake up and fire this bum?

  3. Sad he is abusing the system for such a corrupt women and lawyers. So many people in Maryland could use his help and endless amounts of money but he chooses to help one percenters.

  4. Frosh is part of the SWAMP...

  5. What ever happened to that Crisfield attorney that ran from the car wreck? Is this the same deal?

  6. MD IS THE SWAMP.eveytime time a libtards complains, a lawsuit, a tax, unjust law restriction or fee is placed on us. I am awoke and have plans to leave this commie cesspool called MD


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